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China Vegetables
2014 Issue 8
Chemical Components and Efficiency of Cucumber Seeds
TIAN Gui-li;MIAO Han;ZHANG Sheng-ping;WANG Ye;GU Xing-fang;Institute of Vegetables and Flowers;Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Studies on High Efficient System for Microspore Culture Technology of Chinese Cabbage
LI Fei;ZHANG Shu-jiang;ZHANG Shi-fan;ZHANG Hui;SUN Ri-fei;ZHANG Zhen-xian;Institute of Vegetables and Flowers;Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;College of Agriculture and Biotechnology;China Agricultural University;
Brief Report on Chinese Cabbage Male Sterile Line MS200712
ZHANG De-shuang;ZHANG Feng-lan;YU Yang-jun;ZHAO Xiu-yun;YU Shuan-cang;WANG Weihong;SU Tong-bing;LU Gui-xiang;Beijing Vegetable Research Center;
Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Inoculation at Different Stage on Yield and Nutrient Quality of Cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.) in Plastic Tunnel
LI Cong;HE Chao-xing;YAN Yan;LI Yan-su;YU Xian-chang;Martina Janouskova Miroslav Vosatka;Institute of Vegetables and Flowers;Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Institute of Botany;Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic;Pruhonice 25243;Czech Republic;
Characterization of Soils Bacterial Community Structures in Rhizospheres of Tomatoes Infected with Bacterial Wilt and Its Non-infected Plants
YANG Shang-dong;ZHAO Jiu-cheng;GUO Yi-juan;WU Jun;LONG Ming-hua;Agricultural College;Guangxi University;Guangxi Crop Genetic Improvement and Biotechnology Lab;Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Studies on Nutrient Components Change during Chieh-qua Fruit Development
LIU Zheng-guo;WANG Peng;CHEN Yong;College of Agronomy;Guangxi University;
Studies on Using Maize Straw and Mushroom Residue to Replace Peat as Nursery Media for Tomato and Sweet Pepper Seedlings
DONG Chuan-qian;YIN Cheng-cheng;WEI Min;YANG Feng-juan;SHI Qing-hua;WANG Xiu-feng;ZHANG Wei-li;College of Horticulture Science and Engineering;Shandong Agricultural University;Ji ′nan Weili Seed Co.;Ltd.;Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Environment Controlled Agricultural Engineering in Huang-Huai-Hai Region;Ministry of Agriculture;
A New Non-heading Chinese Cabbage F1 Hybrid——‘Sujun 028’
HUANG Zhi-yin;ZHANG Bin;WEN Feng-ying;LIU Xiao-hui;LUO Zhi-min;WANG Chao-nan;LI Mei;Tianjin Kernel Vegetable Research Institute;
A New Tomato F1 Hybrid with High Resistant to TYLCV——‘Dongnong 724’
JIANG Jing-bin;LI Jing-fu;ZHANG He;KANG Li-gong;CHEN Xiu-ling;WANG Ao-xue;XU Xiang-yang;College of Horticulture;Northeast Agricultural University;
gen yong jie cai
zhang de chun ;
A New Tomato F1 Hybrid Specially for Protected Cultivation——‘Weikefen No.1’
LV Jin-fu;LI Mei-qin;XUE Qi-qin;LIU Xiao-ming;WANG Xing-cui;LIN Gui-yu;Institute of Vegetable and Flower;Weifang College of Science and Technology;
A New Fruit Cucumber F1 Hybrid——‘Yuexiu No. 3’
GU Zhang-gen;YANG Guo-zhi;YUAN Wei;YE Li-hua;Jiaxing Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
guang xi fan qie chan ye ji di xian zhuang yu fa zhan dui ce
li wen jia ; wang yi kui ; jiang ya qin ; kang de xian ; wu yong guan ; li yan ; liang yu ping ; lu fa shi ; fu zuo feng ; mo hao kui ; liao li hua ; liang zu zhen ; he guo chang ;
xin zhong guo cheng li hou de nan gua sheng chan yu fa zhan
li zuo sheng ; liu yi sheng ; wang si ming ;
bei jing 2014 nian 6 yue shu cai jia ge zou shi fen xi
zhang yu zuo ;
li bao ju bo shi zhen bing shou ji ( qi shi san ) xi bei fei geng di she shi shu cai bai fen bing yan zhong fa sheng yuan yin ji fang zhi
xie xue wen ; chai a li ; shi yan xia ; shang tian long ; li bao ju ;
fan qie dong chun ji si ke yuan yin ji jia jie fang zhi xiao guo
li xiao dong ; gao lin ; ren xiang hui ; cao hong ; zheng cheng xing ; shi yi xian ; zhi ye ;
cai ming de shi bie fa sheng yu zong he fang zhi ji shu
huang jian ; yu zuo ; yuan yong da ; yang yin juan ; huang zuo ; li ya zhen ; li yu min ; li hui ming ;
jiang wei jie bo shi : ju jiao sheng chan yi xian ( er ) shou guang ri guang wen shi fan qie gao xiao zai pei ji shu
liu chun xiang ; yang wei tian ; zhao zhi wei ; jiang wei jie ; yu hong jun ;
he bei sheng she shi qie zi gao xiao zai pei ji shu ji cheng
song jian xin ; pan xiu qing ; wu yan rong ; xu ning ; cheng tie gang ;
gao shan bao 60 tian f1
hei se ma ling shu shuang mo fu gai zao shu gao xiao zai pei ji shu
zhang zhong fu ; lu tian wen ;
wu wei shi ri guang wen shi shu cai ping heng shi fei ji shu
wang wen qing ; chen qi bing ;
zhong guo shu cai pin zhong zai xi fei bei ning de yin zhong zai pei
wan peng ; zou rui chang ;
ku gua za jiao xin pin zhong zhang lv 1 hao
chen ya xue ; luo yan hua ; xu yu qin ; lin zuo feng ; huang yi gan ;
2014 nian shan dong sheng shu cai shen ding pin zhong
liu hua rong ;