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China Soft Science
2002 Issue 3
Analysis on the Sustainable Development of Great Development in the West China
bai yong xiu ; yan han ping
Research on the Theory of Network Governance
peng zheng yin
External Environment and Risk Analysis of ERP Implement in Chinese Enterprises
liu li wen ; huang ran dong
An Analysis on the Efficiency of Chinese Commercial Banks
tan zhong ming
On Optimizing the Structure of Property Rights of Listed Companies
cai shi feng ; sun ming gao ; xu xiao jun
Study on Stock Listed Institution
zhang tian xi ; lv bo
Low Effectiveness of China's Monetary Policy And Its Causes
song xiao zhong
Analysis on International Ecological Trade Barriers and Countermeasures
lin han chuan ; tian dong shan
qi ye ji shu chuang xin huo dong wai bao yan jiu
zhan yong zu ; yi xue feng
que ding wei tuo dai li ji shu de liang zhong fang fa de bi jiao yan jiu
tang shao xiang ; jia rang cheng
xin xi ji shu dui ren lei ren zhi huo dong de ying xiang fen xi
zheng xiao qi ; dong du jiao ; he xiong
Determination and Measurement of Consumer Satisfaction Aim
shi li ping
On Broadening Direct Financing for Small and Medium Sized High- tech Enterprises
hui xiao feng ; zhang zhen wei ; hu wei
Resource Allocation and Strategic Technology Alliances: the Case of C3G Project
lin zuo ; su jun ; zhang ya zuo
Business Brand Management and Improvement of Enterprise Core Competitivenes
peng chuan xin ; liu jian qing
Research on Establishing Chinese Corporate Culture in the New Period
bai jing yu ; wan wei wu