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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
2005 Issue 8
Advances in Simulation Research on Light Environment of Rice Population
Meng Jun;Chen Wenfu;Zhou Shuqing
The Relationship between Yield and Maize Ear Traits and Changing Soil Nutrition
Li Famin;Mao Jianchang;Li Xiangtuo;YANG Jinhui
The Production of High Yield Peanut Cultivar Dry Materials Influence on the Yield
Du Hong;Yan Lingyun;Lu Hongwei;Tang Fengshou
Effect of Different Planting Patterns on Maize's Growth and Yield
Wu Wei;Chen Yuhai;Zhou Xunbo;YU Shunzhang
Stem Regeneration System Screening of the Potato Varieties
Li Fengyun;Sheng Wanmin;Yu Tianfeng;Wang Lichun
On Forestry Development Distribution of Zhumadian City
Zhang Shuicheng;WANG Dezhi;Gao Shan;Cui Yunqi
Discussion of CRAE Model in Evaporation Assessment of Terrestrial Surface
Feng Wei;Zhang Wangjun
Study on Leaf Area Calculation and its Correlation with Plant Height of Cucumber in Greenhouse
Pei Xiaobo;Li Shicheng;Zhang Fuman;CAI Run
Primary Application on the Non-rectangular Hyperbola Model for Photosynthetic Light-Response Curve
Liu Yufeng;Xiao Langtao;Tong Jianhua;Li Xiaobo
The Situation and Tactics of the Utilization of Tenebrio molitor's Production in China
Wu Fuzhong;Lin Huafeng;Liu Zhihong;Hu Cui
Study on Effects of Physic Acid on Controlling Fruits' Vc loss During its Beating
Gao Yuanjun;Hao Lihua;Wu Xiaozong;Nan Haijuan;Hao Yaqin
Preliminary Studies on Identification of Sweet Corn Hybrids with Technique of Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresisof Albumins
zhang fang ; chen jing tang ; zhu li ying ; song zhan quan ; huang ya qun ; liu zhi zeng ; chi shu min
Tissue Culture and Plantlet Regeneration from Cotyledon of Citrullus lanatus
Zheng xianbo;Li Yan;Zhang Hengtao;Xia Guohai;Song Shangwei
Generally used Molecular markers and the Research in Groundnut
Lei Chengbin;Wan Yongshan;Liu Fengzhen
The Tissue Observations of Panda "DAN DAN"
Zheng Yuemao;Zhou Hongchao;HUA Jinlian;Zhang Yarong;Zhang Yong
Effect of Follicular Fluid on the Developmental Competence of Bovine Oocyte
Zhang Zhiping;Zhang Juntao;An Zhixing;Wang Chao;Zhang Yong
Study on Genetic Polymorphisms of the Bovine GHR Gene
GAO Xue;Xu Shangzhong;Zhang Yinghan
The Tissue Culture Studies of Mozzie buster
Li Weiming;Lin Wei;Li Qiqin;TAO Jing;Lan Taoju
Assessment of Social and Economic Effect of Soil and Water Conservation in Loess Plateau
Chen Guojian;Li Rui;Yang Qinke;Zhang Yating
The Effect of Genetic Factors on Popularization of Maize New Varieties in Hebei Province
Shi Zhongquan;Liu Zhizeng;Zhou Jinbao
The Principle Components Analysis of Several Agronomic and Yield Traits of Rice
Kong Dewei;CHEN Dequan;Zhou Liangqiang;Wang Yuping;Li Shigui
Progress of Apomixis in Chinese Rice
Chen Qiufang;Huang Qunce
Effects of Different Irrigation Style on Rice Growing and Yield
Jin Xueyong;Shang Wennan;Cao Haifeng;ZHANG Junbao;Sun Tao
Impacts on Yield Forming and Quality of the Strong Gluten Wheat of Different Number of Seedling
Yi Jiezhong;Dong Quancai;Liu Pingying;Geng Juan;Zhou Junliang
Genetic Analysis of Agronomic Characters in Early Hybrid Rice
Mao youchun;Xu Qingguo;Hu Zhiming
Genetic Basis of Spring Wheat Kefeng No.2 and Its Utilization in Breeding
Che Jingyu;Shao Ligang;Wang Yan;Chi Yongqin;Li Changhui;Ma Yong;Gao Fengmei
Study on the Effect of Urbanization on Floodwater--Taking the Shen-zhen city as an example
Gao Zhaoliang;Feng Xingping;Cong Huaijun
The Successional Trend of Soil Quality after Reclamation in the Oasis of Manasi River Valley
Pan Xudong;Wang Miaofeng;He Xin;Wang Kai;Li Yuming;Zhang Sheng;ZHANG Fenghua
Security Appraisal of the Biological Agriculture Chemical of Transgenosis
Wu Ying;Yuan Shouliang
Advances in Study of Plant Induced Disease Resistance
Pan Yaqing;Shi Shuzhi
zhong guo nong xue tong bao gao yue
Discussion on Development and Park area Planning of Sightseeing Agriculture
Pan Hong;Lin Qing
geng zheng
Rethinking of the Food Production's Protective Problem
CHEN Chong;Wang Zhengbing;He Xuesong
Studies on Occurrence and Control of Pratylenchus dioscoreae Yang & Zhao
Zang Shaoxian;An Xinbo;Qi Qiaoli;Zhao Laishun
Origin and Control Measurement of Weedy Rice in Liaoning
Ma Dianrong;Chen Wenfu;Xu Zhengjin;ZHANG Wenzhong
The Damage of Tobacco Spot Disease on Tobacco Output Value of Different Part Leaves
Gao Jiahe;Yu Qing;Li Meiyun;Liu Yun;Zhu Jian
Study on β-D-Glucosidase Activity of Fusarium oxysporum
Che Jianmei;Liu Bo
Advances of Research on Postharvest and storage physiology of mango
Li Min;Hu Meijiao;Gao Zhaoyin;Yang Fengzhen
Advance in the Research on Prevention and Cure Technology of Heavy Metal Pollution of Soils
Gu Hong;Li Jiandong;Zhao Xuanhe
Effects on Sorption of Pesticides by Soils and Sediments: A Review
Ying Xinghua;Xu Xia
Flower Bud Differentiation and Development of Phalaenopsis on Different Treat Time at High Elevation
Zhu Genfa;Chen Mingli;SUN Yongbo;Wang Biqing
Effect of PP333 on Growth in Medium-late Maturing Melting Peaches
Shen Yuying;Fu Zhengde
Research on Aseptic Budding and Fast Propagation of the Cymbidium tracyanum Seed
LI Zhilin;Yu Chaoxiu;Wang Yuying;Wang Boqiong
Advance of Research on Potassium Nutrition
Zhang Enping;Zhang Shuhong;Li Tianlai;Ge Xiaoguang
Study on High Yield Hybrid Seed Production Techniques of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum var. grossum (L.) Sendt.) in Hainan Province
Cao Zhenmu;Liu Weixia;Yang Zeliang;Dang Xuanmin;Liao Yi;Zhan Yuanfeng;ZHANG Xiuming
Studies on Liquid Storage of Seeds of Cymbidium hybridium
Yao Xianhua;Wang Limin
The Establishment of AFLP Markers Technical System for Wheat rust fungus
Tang Jing;Pu Zhigang;Zhang Min;Yan Wenzhao
Toxicity and Application of Novel Insecticide HNPC-A2005 against Lepidopterous Insects
Ou Xiaoming;Wang Yongjiang;Pei Hui;Lin Xuemei;YU Kuai
Molecular Detection of Phytoplasma associated with Wheat Blue Dwarf
Zhang Rong;Sun Guangyu;ZHANG Yamei;Zhang Qinfeng;Zhao Erlong
Medical Value and Advances in Tissue Culture of Ginkgo biloba
Fu Xiaoyi;Liu Guiru;Yang Xueju
Analysis of Heterosis in Pepper
Qiao Naini;Gong Zhenhui
The Research on the Experiment of Several Kinds of Wild Plants of Sedum L. Been Cultivated
Shi Jinchao;Xie Youli;Chi Quanbo
Study on Rapid Multiplication Technique of Dendrobium nobile by Tissue Culture
Zhang Yucui;Gao Haibo
Development of the Chemical Induction and Selection of Mutation Research in Horticulture Plant
Luo Jing;Zhou Houcheng;Wang Yongqing
A Study on Genetic Relationship among Several Narcissus Cultivars by RAPD Markers
Wu Jinghua;LU Liuxin;Zhang Zhizhong
Problem and Advice of Almond-apricot Production in Baiyushan Mountainous Area of Northern Shaanxi
Bai Gangshuan;Du Sheni;Liou Guobin;Ma Fengwang
Studies on aera selection of Asiatic lily bulb propagation in Qinling-Moutain
Hao Ruijie;Niu Lixin;Zhang Yanlong;Xiang Diying
Studies on Effects of Partial Rootzone Irrigation in Different Stages of Development on Apple Trees
Zou Yangjun;Wei Qinping;Li Jiarui;Wang Xiaowei;Gao Zhaoquan
Culture of Axenic Seedlings of Citrus grandis Osbeck cv. Shatianyou Changshou
Tong Ruijian;Yang Xiaohong;JIANG Meng
Studies on Drought Tolerance of Several Cool-season Turfgrasses under Different Consistency PEG-6000 Solutions
Duan Bihua;Yin Weilun;Han Baoping;Xia Xinli;Zhang Peng
Soil Water Diversification Character in a Cross Section of Small Watershed in Loess Hilly Area
He Xiaohui;Wen Zhongming;Li Rui;Bo Yaojun
Effect of Potassium Fertilizer on Seed Formation and Quality of Zea mays Sinensis
CHEN Huiyang;Feng Yingzhu;Yu Tuyuan
Effect of Decomposed Straw Manure on Soil Secondary Salinity
Du Lianfeng;WU Shuxia;LIU Jianling
Study on Relationships between Soil Factors and Betaine of Lycium barbarum in Different Regions of Ningxia
Niu Yan;Xu Xing;Wei Yuqing;Zheng Guoqi;Chang Hongyu
Studies of Breeding and Application of Rice Restore Line Tehui
Mo Yongsheng;Lu Shengan;Yang Peizhong;He Longfei;Li Chunsheng
Studies on Effect of "Straw Mulching after Film Uncovered" Technique on Flue-cured Tobacco in Plain Region of Henan
Jie Xiaolei;Huang Yuanjiong;Liu Shiliang;Hua Dangling;Han Fugen;Li Youtian
The Demonstration of Several Strains of Rice Introduced from Abroad along Yellow River Areas in Henan
LIU Songtao;LEI Qingquan;Du Guanhua;Gong Liying
The Effect of Space Environment on Agronomic Characters of Maize Inbred Lines
LI YuLing;Niu Suzhen;Yu Yongliang;Wang Jianxian;Fan Hua
Innovation of Philosophy Education in Colleges of Agriculture and Forestry
Xu Wenjun;Lu Junli;Li Yucheng
System Restraint and Countermeasures about Agro-technology Applied in Our County
Chen Xiuzhi;Qin Hong;Zhang Shaojiang
Investigation on Development Countermeasure and Industrialization Pattems of Sci-tec Production in Agricultural University
Zhang Xiaoni;Iang Zongxiang;Cui Weifang;Zhang Haicheng;SUN Nan
Adaptability of White-leg Shrimp (Penaeus vannamei ) to Alkaline Waters in Northeast China
Yang Fuyi;Li Xiujun;Yang Xinqiao;Sun Limin
Effects of Stocking Densities on Survival, Growth and Energy Budget of Juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei
Wang Xingqiang;CAO Mei;MA Shen;Dong Shuanglin;Yan Binlun
Current Advances in Mycoherbicides Research
Xiao Yansong;Bai Lianyang;Chen Guihua
Effect of Several Chemicals on Induction Resistance to Downy Mildew in Cucumber Seedlings
Li Yuhong;Cheng Zhihui;Chen Xiaoguang
Occurrence Regularity and Controlling Technique of Vegetable Grey Mound in Protected Ground
Xu Zhiying;Guan Xiaoyan;Shi Chunxi;Guan Chongmei
Reasons for the Serious Disease Root~knot Nematode(Meloidogyne spp.) of Vegetables Under Strcture
Gu Duanyin;Wang Xiufeng;Wei Min;Zhang Rentang
Experiment of Japanese Sex Pheromones on the Control Apple Pests
Zhang Manrang;Han Mingyu;Li Bingzhi
Breeding of New Waxy Corn Variety Shan Bainuo No.11
Yang Yinfu;Xie Enkui;Zhang Renhe;Yue Ruiqian
Effects of Stubble Mulching on the Field on Cropland Soil Moisture Content and Spring Corn Growth
Hong Xiaoqiang;Zhao Erlong;SONG Hongwei
Research on Fertilization Technology for Hybrid Cotton under Sparse Planting
Li Lingli;Wang Wenliang;Fang Weipin;Xie Deyi;Ma Zongbin;Tai Guoqin
Study about Yield Component Trait of Good Quality and Multi-resistant Shaan 2365 New Variety
Yi Yonghua;Xing Hongyi;Jia Tao;Wang Cheng
Situation and Prospect in Studies on Compact Panicle Type of Rice
Wu Wei;Cheng Wangda;Yao Haigen
Analysis on Soil Moisture Character of Level Terrace on the South Loess Plateau
zhang yu bin ; cao ning ; wu min ; wu fa qi
The Effects of Rational Application of Long Term Organic and Chemical Fertilizers on Soil Fertility and Rice Yield
Gao Jusheng;Xu Minggang;Wang Bairen;Qin Daozhu;Wen Shilin;Shen Huaping
Analyse of Components of Crude Protein and Amino Acid in Leaves of Euonymus Fortunei
Pan Qinghua;ZHANG Weihai;Lu Renqiang
Effects of Soil Fertility on Nitrate Accumulation in Flue-cured Tobacco Leaf
CHEN Guijun;Zhang Shuicheng;Xu Zicheng
Arabidopsis Mutants Used in Researches on Plant Responses to Phosphate Starvation
Chang Shenghe;Shu Haiyan;QIN Guangyong;Wu Yuping;Zhao Haizhen
A Effects of Different Soil Water Treatment on Tomato Yield Components and Physiological Mechanism
Peng Zhigong;Yang Peiling;Duan Aiwang;Wu Haiqing