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Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases
2011 Issue 7
Progress of relationship between clamydia pneumoniae and atherosclerosis
TANG Zhi-wei;SHI Xiang-en
Thrombolysis for thrombosis events during intracranial aneurysms with endovascular procedures
jiang tao ; zhang hong zuo ; zhi xing long ; he chuan
Neuroprotective effects of doublecortin and NF-kappa B on the cerebral ischemic preconditioning in rats
LI Xin;BI Gui-nan;SHI Sheng-liang;LIANG Sen;LIANG Bing-song;CHEN Shi-jian
Efficacy and complications of different types of stents in the treatment of symptomatic middle cerebral artery stenosis
JIANG Si-qing;LI Shen-mao;ZHU Feng-shui;MIAO Zhong-rong;JIAO Li-qun;LING Feng;XU Ping
Inventory survey of the prevalence and risk factors of stroke among the elderly in the urban and rural areas of Guiyang in 2009
DAI Ming-ming;CHU Lan;LIU Fang;ZHU Ying-wu;FANG Xu-ming
Vertebral artery-external carotid artery bypass for revascularization of extracranial vertebral artery occlusion: a case report
yi zhi qiang ; zhang yang ; mo da peng ; duan hong zhou ; bao sheng de
Thrombectomy with Solitaire AB stent in the treatment of acute middle cerebral artery occlusion:eight cases report
PENG Ya;XUAN Jing-gang;CHEN Rong-hua;ZHU Xu-cheng;YANG Yi-lin
Current clinical research of statains for acute stroke
cheng xiao ; ye jian xin ; lin hang ; mu jun shan