Development and experiment of grape vine burying machine
Wang Zhiqiang;Zhang Jingguo;Hao Zhiqiang;Liu Fengzhi;Wang Xiaodi;Wang Haibo;Research Institute of Pomology;Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Key Laboratory of Horticulture Crops Germplasm Resources Utilization;Ministry of Agriculture;Weifang Gaomi secondary specialized school;Shandong Province Gaomi city:Yifeng Machinery Co.;Ltd.;
Design and trial of grain bagging machine in drying yard
Pan Song;Liao Yu;Li Wen;Feng Xiping;Shu Shifu;Li Yanda;Institute of Agricultural Engineering;Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Animal Husbandry Technology Extension Station ofJiangxi Province;Chongren Kelifeng Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing Co.;Ltd.;