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Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association
2006 Issue 3
Research and Development of LYZX Type Low Temperature Screw Presser
Zhang Lin;Liu Dachuan;Liu Jinbo;Ye Ping;Zhang Anqing
PCR Detection Technology of Transgenic Rice Food Products
Zhao Yan
Reclaim the Harmful Gas in the Grain Which is in Bulk after Sealing
Lu Guohua;Zhang Xiaofei
Research on Highly Efficient Purification and Stability of Wheat Germ Agglutinin
Shan Liang;Shan Mei;Yao Huiyuan
The Relationship between Wheat Quality and Quick - Frozen Dumplings Quality
Li Mengqin;Zhang jian;Feng Zhiqiang
A New Treatment of Cereal-Steam Flaking
Xu Wei
The Effect of Oil and Fat on the Quality of Steamed Bread
Wang Fengcheng;Li Peng;Wang Xianlun
The Effect of Combining Emulsifier and Enzyme on the Quality of Steamed Bread
Wang Xianlun;Wang Fengcheng
Research of Preperation Process on Selenium- enriched Rapeseed Protein Peptides
Liu Dachuan;Zhou Junmei;Zhang Hanjun
HPLC- MS Analysis of Serotonin Derivative from Safflower Seeds( Carthamus tinctorius L)
Jin Qingzhe;Wang Xingguo;Wang Weixian
Investigation into the Microwave- assisted Extraction Technology for Semen Ziziphi Spinosae oil
Zhao Wenjie;Ma Li;Xu Guangchao;Zhang Lingli;Li Dongwei;Lu Kui
Influence of Aqueous Enzymatic Extraction on the Quality of Sunflower Seed Oil
Ren Jian;Zheng Xiqun;Lin Guoping;Tang Huali;Xia Wenshui
The Simulation on the Edible Oil Extraction Technology of Isopropyl Alcohol
Liu Wensheng;Li Shujun;Li Ziming;Li Shaohua
The State of the Fat- Oil Technique and the Research Direction during the 11th Five - year Plan
Zhao Guozhi;Liu Xiliang;Liu Zhifeng
Advances in Catalyst Used in Oil Transesterification for Preparing Diesel
Liu Rukuan;Yang Xiping;Wang Ruixia;Zhang Yujun
Study on Property of Anti- oxidization for Extrcative of Chilli Seed
Liu Caili;Ma Xueping;Wang Ruixia;Zhang Yujun
Study on Kinetics of Vegetabation Oil Thermal Polimerization Reaction
Zhang Yujun;Yan Xiangyang;Hu Jingbo
Reseach of Membrane Degumming Process in Miscella
Wang Wei;Ma Chuanguo;Wan Duanji
Application of Catalysts in the Heat Polymerization of Oils
Yang Tao;Ma Chuanguo
The Determination of Vitamin E Content of Soybean Seeds in China with HPLC
Li Guihua;Dai Hongli;Fu Limin
Study on the Extraction of Sesamin from Sesame Oil
Feng Zhiyong;Gu Keren
Extraction and Separation of Insecticidal Constituents from Acorus Calamus L
Xu Guangwen;Xie Lingde;Shu Zaixi;Yan Jin;Yang Changju;Yao Yingjuan
Find the Way to Store Paddy in Bulk
Zhang Xiaofei;Lu Guohua
Analysis of Physico- chemical Properties and Fatty acid Composition of Fructus Quisqualis Oil
Ji Junmin;Zhao Wenjie;Zhao Peixia
Adsorption Characterization and FT- IR Analysis of Melanin in Black Sesame
Liu Yuanfa;Xu Liping;Wang Xingguo
Application and Study on Technology of Producing Different Grade Meal
Wang Xuede;Liu Yulan;Han Lihua;Xu Zhaoyong;Luo Shengming
The Flavoring Composition of Sesame Aroma Oil
Zhou Ruibao
Development of the Methodology for the Quality of Meals
Zhou Yuanyuan;Zhou Ruibao
The Study on Optimal lure Conditions of Food Attracts for Stored Product Insect
Lu Yujie;Liu Fengjie;Wang Zhengyan
Ways of Ventilation in Steel Silo Stroage
Jiang Guijun;He Guangwen
Experimental Investigation of the Relation between the Moisture Content of Discharge Grain and the Drying Temperatures of the Maize
Zhao Chunyu;Zhao Xuegong;Chi Qinglei;Cui Guohua;Wen Bangchun
Test of Soybean Storage in Bulk with Package Wall
Gu Chenbin
Influence and Counterneasure of Automatic Grade on Long- term Grain Storage LN Large Warehouses
Zhang Yafei;Xu Wuxi;Zheng Meihai;Sun Bosong;Chen Lianwen
Research on the Technology of Synthetic Heating - proof Improvement of Warehouse
Meng Yongqing;Li Yujie;Li Shitao;Yang Guangyi;Zhang Songting;Zhang Xialin;Yuan Chunlin
Comparative Test on Phosphine Low Dosage Control and Recirculation Fumigation
Zhang Lailin;Zhao Yingjie;Liu Wenchao;Zang Funian;Yang Chuanhui;Zhang Zhongjie
Production Sequencing of Medicated Aquatic Feeds
Wang Weiguo
Studies on Chinese Herbs Antioxidation of Fish Oil
Yu Haiyang;Wang Weiguo;Li Gujun
Progress of Study on the Production Process of Spray- Dried Plasma Protein
Wang Chunwei;Hu Qiwei
Determination of Lecithin in Functional Food by UV Spectrophotometry
Chen Weitao;Zhang Dequan;Zhang Bolin;Zhou Hongjie
Effect of Dietary Fiber on Growth Performance and Serum Parameters for Landes Goose
Liu Xiangyou;He Ruiguo;Zhou Shixia;Wang Cheng;Zhao Na
Effects of Substituting Brown Rice for Maize as Energy Feedstuff on Growing Rex Rabbits
Gao Zhenhua;He Ruiguo;Li Ying;Li Xiang;Liu Xiangyou
Comparison the Anti- alcoholism Bioactivities between Corn Crude Peptides Prepared by Neutrase and Alcalase
Sui Yujie;He Hui;Wang Jin;He Juping;Hu Xiaobo
Fermentation of Oat β- glucan in Vivo and in Vitro
Shen Ruiling;Dong Jilin;Yao Huiyuan
Esterification of Palm Oil Deodorized Distillate by Cation Exchange Resin Catalyst
Xi Limin;Yang Yiwen;Ren Qilong
Flavonoids from Kalopanax Leaves:Extraction and Antioxidation Evaluation
Li Xiuxin;Wang Ronghua;Li Ping
A New Emulsion: Sucrose Ester Made from Castor Oil
Guo Lanxiang;Ren Zesheng;Liu Ying
The Regulating Blood Lipid Effect of Conjugated Linoleic Acid
Jiang Wei;Shi Hongqi;Yi Dan;Liu Fayi
Enrichment of Fish Oil ω- 3 Fatty Acids with Molecular Distillation
Fu Hong;Qiu Aiyong
Two Methods for Determining Ligustilide Content of Angelica Oil
Hu Changying;Ding Xiaolin
Lipase - catalyzed Synthesis of n - 3 PUFA Glyceride in Organic Solvent
Liu Shucheng;Zhang Chaohua;Hong Pengzhi;Ji Hongwu
Refining Isoflavone by AB- 8 Resin Absorption and Terraced Concentration Desorption
Wang Lu;Cui Hongbin;Sun Liyan
Change in Activity of Soybean Lipoxidases
Jiang Heti;Katsumi Imaizumi;Masao Sato
Drying and Re- hydration Properties of High- moisture Textured Soy Protein
Zhao Duoyong;Wei Yimin;Zhang Bo;Kang Lining
Effect of The Viscosity of Solution of Chitosan and Swelling Ratio of Chitosan Film by Adding Urea
Liu Changdu;Zhao Shengjun;Wang Chunwei
Study on the Amino Acids Digestibility and Availability of Grain Feedstuffs for Growing Pigs
Li Lili;Li Aike;Fang Rejun;Zhang Bin;Yin Yulong
Techniques of Mycotoxin Analysis in Grain Feedstuffs
Wang Songxue;Li Aike;Xie Gang;Su Furong;Hao shuhong
Prevention and Control of Mycotoxin Contamination in Grain Feedstuffs
Li Aike;Hao Shuhong;Wang Songxue
On the Hotspots of Aquafeed Manufacturing
Ma Liang;Fan Wenhai;Liu Xiongwei
Twin- screw Bulking Machine and Aquatic Feed Processing
Shi David
The Application of Grain Gooling Machine in Reducing the Temperature of Bagged Soybeans
Wang Qing;Lang Dianjun;Pu Shiming
The Thought of Building Supply Chain of Grain Logistics
Ding Gen'an
Gel Texture Property of Soybean Protein Isolates From Cultivars with Different Protein Subunit Contents
Wang Xiansheng;Yang Xiaoquan;Gao Wenrui;Ma Hao;Tang Chuanhe
Development of a Healthy Mungbean Protein Drink
Yang Yingxiao;Ren Fazheng;Zheng Lihong
Research Progress on Rutin in Buckwheat
Wen Ping;Chen Jinhong
The Application of Solar PV Technology in Grain Depot
Zhu Chengyu
The Design and Development about Price Detection and Early Warning System of State's Grain
Fuhong;Hudong;Hu Xiaomiao;Wang Yugang
Grey System Prediction and Control of Foodstuff Production
Li Chunsheng
Comparing the Antioxidation in Vitro of Seed Pericarp Extracts of Black Cereal and Oil Crops
Li Lirong;Zhang Mingwei;Liu Linwei
Water Adsorption Characteristic of Millet Extrudates and its Effect on Texture
Zhao Xuewei;Wei Yimin;Zhang Bo
Enhancement of Resistant Starch Content in Retrogradation Sweet Potato Starch
Liu Xiong;Kan Jianquan;Cheng Zhongdao;Kiyoshi Ebihara
Preparation of Non- crystal Granular Starch by Cross- linking With Mixed Acid
Liu Peiling;Zhang Benshan;Wang Bin
Extraction and Purification of Maize Yellow Pigment From Corn Gluten
Li Yong;Zhao Jiewen
De- odour Technology of Maize Protein Powder
Zheng Hongyan;Chang Youquan;Mei Zhe;Li Dezhi;Qu Hongguang;Zheng Guoshuang
Affecting Factors for Corn Porous Starch Preparation by Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Xu Zhong;Miao Ming;Li Lisha
Study on Kernel Properties of Corn Varieties
Du Shuangkui;Wei Yimin;Zhang Bo;Zhang Mingjing;Wang Yuandong;Jiang Changxing
Studies on the Cloud Stability of Wheat B- Starch Slurry
Wang Min;Gu Zhengbiao
The Effect of Sheeting on Dough Lateral- axial Stress Characteristics
Chen Jie;Lv Juncang;Zhu Zhiguang;Wang Chun
The Influence of Protein Content on the Quality of Wheat Malt
Jin Yuhong;Zhang Kaili;Fu Yucheng;Zhang Xingchun;Du Jinhua
Studying the Secondary Structure of Modified Gluten by FTIR
Ge Zhicheng;Zhang Yanping
The Change of Amylase Activity in Different Wheat Cultivars During Sprouting Course
Ai Zhilu;Zhang Xiaoyu;Guo Juan;Wang Na;Wang Junli
Inspection Method of Wheat Flour Color and Bran Specks
Huo Quangong;Yang Hongwei;Zhou Zhanming;Li Lei;Liu Changjian
Isolating and Identifying Microbes in Fermented Rice Noodles of Changde
Lu Zhanhui;Peng Hehua;Li Lite;Tatsumi Eizo
Comparison Study on Grain Quality between Zhejiang's and Japanese Rice Cultivars
Bao Genliang;Zuo Xiaoxu;Wang Junming;Zheng Tao;Luo Rongting;Katsura Tomita
Preservative Study for Chinese Traditional Rice Cakes
Wang Xin;Zhou Huiming;Qian Haifeng
Review on Research and Development of Proso Millet Protein
Liu Yong;Yao Huiyuan;Wang Qiang
Researches on Methods of Extraction and Analysis of Phytosterols: A Review
Liang Yan;Zhang Ying;Wu Xiaoqin