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Forestry Studies in China
2016 Issue 4
Integrating beneficiaries into assessment of ecosystem services from managed forests at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest,USA
Jesse Caputo;Colin M.Beier;Valerie A.Luzadis;Peter M.Groffman;SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry;Department of Forest and Natural Resources Management;Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies;
Model-based estimation of above-ground biomass in the miombo ecoregion of Zambia
James Halperin;Valerie LeMay;Emmanuel Chidumayo;Louis Verchot;Peter Marshall;Department of Forest Resources Management;The University of British Columbia;Makeni Savanna Research Project;International Center for Tropical Agriculture;
Diversity and production in an Afromontane Forest
Klaus v.Gadow;GongQiao Zhang;Graham Durrheim;David Drew;Armin Seydack;Georg-August University in Gottingen;Department of Forestry and Wood Science;University of Stellenbosch;Chinese Academy of Forestry in Beijing;South African National Parks;
Seed production,seed dispersal and seedling establishment of two afromontane tree species in and around a church forest:implications for forest restoration
Abrham Abiyu;Demel Teketay;Gerhard Glatzel;Georg Gratzer;Amhara Agricultural Research Institute;Department of Crop Science and Production;Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources;Institute of Forest Ecology;University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences;
A multi-scale modelling framework to guide management of plant invasions in a transboundary context
Joo Martins;David M.Richardson;Renato Henriques;Elizabete Marchante;Hélia Marchante;Paulo Alves;Mirijam Gaertner;Joo P.Honrado;Joana R.Vicente;InBIO/CIBIO-Centro de Investigao em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos;Universidade do Porto-Campus Agrário de Vairo;Centre for Invasion Biology;Department of Botany and Zoology;Stellenbosch University;Institute of Earth Sciences;Centre for Functional Ecology;Department of Life Sciences;University of Coimbra;Departamento de Ambiente;Escola Superior Agraria de Coimbra;Instituto Politecnico de Coimbra;Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade do Porto;Environmental Resource Management Department;Westlake Conservation Office;
Conceptual models of forest dynamics in environmental education and management:keep it as simple as possible,but no simpler
Timo Kuuluvainen;Department of Forest Sciences;University of Helsinki;
Growth and yield of Solanum khasianum in Pinus roxburghii forest based silvi-medicinal system in mid hills of Indian Himalaya
Chandra Shekher Sanwal;Raj Kumar;Raheel Anwar;Vijaysinha Kakade;Sushma Kerketta;S.D.Bhardwaj;Indian Forest Service;Uttarakhand Forest Department;Haldwani Forest Division;ICAR-IISWC;Research Center;Department of Forestry and Natural Resources;Punjab Agricultural University;Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry;Dr.Y.S.Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry;
Forest Ecosystems