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Forestry Studies in China
2015 Issue 3
The structure of mixed-species bird flocks, and their response to anthropogenic disturbance, with special reference to East Asia
Eben Goodale;,Ping Ding;,Xiaohu Liu;,Ari Martnez;,Xingfeng Si;,Mitch Walters;,Scott K Robinson;
A multilocus molecular phylogeny forthe avian genusLiocichla (Passeriformes:Leiothrichidae:Liocichla)
Herman L Mays Jr;,Bailey D McKay;,Dieter Thomas Tietze;,ChengTe Yao;,Lindsey N Miller;,Kathleen N Moreland;,Fumin Lei;
Identification of coastal wetlands of international importance for waterbirds:a review of China Coastal Waterbird Surveys 2005-2013
China Coastal Waterbird Census Group,Qingquan Bai;,Jianzhong Chen;,Zhihong Chen;,Guotai Dong;,Jiangtian Dong;,Wenxiao Dong;,Vivian Wing Kan Fu;,Yongxiang Han;,Gang Lu;,Jing Li;,Yang Liu;,Zhi Lin;,Derong Meng;,Jonathan Martinez;,Guanghui Ni;,Kai Shan;,Renjie Sun;,Suixing Tian;,Fengqin Wang;,Zhiwei Xu;,Yat-tung Yu;,Jin Yang;,Zhidong Yang;,Lin Zhang;,Ming Zhang;,Xiangwu Zeng;
Effects of variation in food resources on foraging habitat use by wintering Hooded Cranes (Grus monacha)
Meng Zheng;,Lizhi Zhou;,Niannian Zhao;,Wenbin Xu;