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Forestry Studies in China
2015 Issue 2
Negative consequences of positive feedbacks in US wild-fire management
David E Calkin;Matthew P Thompson;Mark A Finney;Forestry Sciences Laboratory;US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station;Fire Sciences Laboratory;US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station;
Adaptive economic and ecological forest management under risk
Joseph Buongiorno;Mo Zhou;University of Wisconsin-Madison;West Virginia University;
Methods of modeling relative growth rate
Arne Pommerening;Anders Muszta;Department of Forest Resource Management;Faculty of Forest Sciences;Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU;
Optimizing continuous cover management of boreal forest when timber prices and tree growth are stochastic
Timo Pukkala;University of Eastern Finland;
Comparison of carbon-stock changes, eddycovariance carbon fluxes and model estimates in coastal Douglas-fir stands in British Columbia
Colin J Ferster;JA Trofymow;Nicholas C Coops;Baozhang Chen;Thomas Andrew Black;Department of Forest Resources Management;University of British Columbia;Canadian Forest Service;Natural Resources Canada;Department of Biology;University of Victoria;Faculty of Land and Food Systems;University of British Columbia;
Silvicultural alternatives to conventional even-aged forest man-agement-what limits global adoption?
Klaus J Puettmann;Scott McG Wilson;Susan C Baker;Pablo J Donoso;Lars Dr?ssler;Girma Amente;Brian D Harvey;Thomas Knoke;Yuanchang Lu;Susanna Nocentini;Francis E Putz;Toshiya Yoshida;Jürgen Bauhus;Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society;Oregon State University;Consultant Forester and Forest Ecologist;School ofBiological Sciences;University of Tasmania;Department of Forests and Society;Faculty of Forest Sciences and Natural Resources;Universidad Austral de Chile;Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre;Swedish Agricultural University;Haramaya University;Institut de recherche sur les forêts;Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue;445;Boulevard de l’Université;Institute of Forest Management;TUMSchool of Life Sciences Weihenstephan;Technische Universit?t München;Department of Forest Management and Statistics IFRIT;Chinese Academy of Forestry;Department of Agricultural;Food and Forestry Systems;University of Florence;Department of Biology;University of Florida;Uryu Experimental Forest;Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere;Hokkaido University;Chair of Silviculture;Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources;University of Freiburg;Tennenbacherstr;
Opinion: the use of natural hazard modeling for decision making under uncertainty
David E Calkin;Mike Mentis;Forestry Sciences Laboratory;US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station;Business & the environment Postnet Suite;
Inventory of aspen trees in spruce dominated stands in conserva-tion area
Matti Maltamo;Annukka Pesonen;Lauri Korhonen;Jari Kouki;Mikko Vehmas;Kalle Eerik?inen;University of Eastern Finland;School of Forest Science;Blom Kartta Oy;City of Joensuu;Natural Resources Institute Finland;Joensuu Unit;
Evaluation of state and community/private forests in Punjab, Pakistan using geospatial data and related techniques
Naeem Shahzad;Urooj Saeed;Hammad Gilani;Sajid Rashid Ahmad;Irfan Ashraf;Syed Muhammad Irteza;World Wide Fund for Nature;Institute of Geology;University of the Punjab;International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development;Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics;Hong Kong Polytechnic University;
Forest Ecosystems