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Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
2015 Issue 6
Degree Centrality of the Functional Network in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder
ZHU Xue-ling;YUAN Fu-lai;YAO Shu-qiao;School of Humanitiesand Social Sciences;National University of Defense Technology;Health Management Center;Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;Medical Psychological Institute;Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;
Attentional Bias Toward Stimuli with Different Threat Intensity in Test Anxiety
DONG Yun-ying;ZHANG Xiao-cong;ZHOU Ren-lai;Key Laboratory of Child Development and Learning Science[Southeast University];Ministry of Education;Department of Psychology;School of Social and Behavior Sciences;Nanjing University;State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning[Beijing Normal University];Beijing Key Lab of Applied Experimental Psychology[Beijing Normal University];
Comparison of Feedback Effects between Behavior and Money
YU Fen;YUAN Lu;LUO Yue-jia;Psychology Department;Shenzhen University;Chengdu Medical College;Institute of Affective and Social Neuroscience;Shenzhen University;
Effects of Framing of Options and Regulatory Focus on Ambiguity Aversion
ZHANG Feng-hua;FANG Xia-hui;LIU Shu-pei;School of Psychology;Key Laboratory of Psychology and Cognition Science of Jiangxi;Jiangxi Normal University;Zhejiang Key Laboratory for Research in Assessment of Cognitive Impairments;
Withdrawal Phase Affects Cognitive Function in Male Heroin Addicts
YANG Ling;ZHOU Yan-yan;SU Bo-bo;ZHANG Jian-xun;ZHAO Xin;School of Psychology;Northwest Normal University;
Effect of the Menstrual Cycle and Neuroticism on Fearful and Happy Faces Recognition
ZHANG Wen-juan;ZHOU Ren-lai;YAN Hao;Department of Psychology;School of Humanities;Xidian University;Department of Psychology;School of Social and Behavior Sciences;Nanjing University;Departments of Psychology and Linguistics;Xidian University;
A Study on the Repeated Test Effect of Memory Suggestibility
CAO Xiao-jun;TU Shen;CHEN Xu;Institute of Education;China West Normal University;Faculty of Psychology;Southwest University;
Autobiographical Memory Model of Trauma
CHEN Yan;MIAO Shao-jiang;Institute of Applied Psychology;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan Mental Health Center Affiliated to Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan Hospital for Psychotherapy;
Internal Structure of Relationships for Inhibitory Control:A Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective
WU Hui-zhong;WANG Ming-yi;Department of Psychology;Beijing Forestry University;
The Structure of the Concept of Narcissism and Its Association with the Personality Disorder
WANG Gui-hua;ZI Fei;LI Yang;Department of Psychology;Beijing Forestry University;
The Further Analysis of Reliability and Validityof Multi Intelligence Diagnosis
LIU Xiao-ling;YU Duo;JIN Yu;School of Psychological and Cognitive Science;East China Normal University;
Development of Interpersonal Sensitivity Questionnaire for Middle School Students
YE Yi-duo;LAI Yun-cheng;College of Education;Fujian Normal University;Department of Psychology;Longyan University;
Development and Validation of a Brief Inventory of Female Sexual Function
NG Hoi Nga;BOEY Kam Weng;Caritas Institute of Higher Education;The University of Hong Kong;
Reliability and Validity of the Investment Model Scale in Chinese Dating Couples
LIU Xin-chun;ZHAO Lin;ZHANG Le-le;YANG Li;Institute of Psychology;Tianjin University;Shanxi Conservancy Technical Institute;
Reliability and Validity of FES-CV in the Adolescent Population
TAO Jin-hua;JIN Feng-xian;ZHANG Man-ru;CHENG Zao-huo;Mental Health Education Center;Anhui Normal University;Wuxi Mental Health Center;Nanjing Medical University;
The Revision of Adult Decision-making Competence in Chinese Young Cadets
FENG Tian;PENG Jia-xi;ZHANG Jia-xi;HUO qian-qian;XIAO Wei;Fourth Military Medical University;
An Experimental Research of the Ford Insomnia Response to Stress Test Chinese Version in Assessing the Vulnerability to Stress-related Sleep Disturbance
GAO Cun-you;GAN Jing-li;DUAN Hui-feng;ZHAO Lan-min;LIANG Xue-jun;ZHU Xi-Quan;Mental Diseases Prevention and Treatment Institute of Chinese PLA;PLA 91st Central Hospital;
Analysis of Psychological Adaptation, School Adaptation and Social Adaptation among Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder Symptoms
ZHANG Jing-chen;LI Yan-bin;ZHANG YU-lin;LIN Xiu-yun;HOU Xiang-ning;Institute of Developmental Psychology;Beijing Normal University;
Effects of Depression and Hopelessness on Suicide Ideation:the Mediation Effect of Psychache
WU Cai-zhi;CHEN Zhen-zhen;YU Li-xia;DUAN Wen-ting;JIANG Guang-rong;Key Laboratory of Adolescent Cyberpsychology and Behaviour;Ministry of Education;School of Psychology;Central China Normal University;Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of Human Beings Development and Mental Health;
The Gender Difference on Internet Addictive among Adolescent:the Mediation Effect of the Differentiation of Social and Psychological Situation in School
LI Ling;YU Quan-lei;ZHANG Lin;JIN Sheng-hua;School of Psychology;Northwest Normal University;Beijing Key Laboratory of Apllied Experimental Psychology;School of Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences;Shandong University of Traiditional Chinese Medicine;
Materal Depression, Parental Conflict and Infant’s Problem Behavior:Moderated Mediating Effect
CHEN Fu-mei;YUAN Chun-yong;ZHANG Cai;LI Ya-jun;WANG Yun;National Innovation Center for Assessment of Basic Education Quality;Beijing Normal University;Psychology Department;Shanghai Campus of Nanjing Politics College;Henan Teaching and Research Office of Basic Education;National Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning;Beijing Normal University;
Effect of Shyness on Aggression and Social Avoidance and Distress:Peer Victimization as the Mediator
XUE Wen-wen;HAN Lei;DOU Fei-fei;WU Yun-peng;GAO Feng-qiang;School of Psychology;Shandong Normal University;
Rumination and Depression:The Mediating Role of Reducing Specificity of Autobiographical Memory
XIAO Jing;KONG Tian-zhu;ZHANG Zhen;YU Ping;Beijing Key Laboratory of Learning and Cognition and Department of Psychology;Capital Normal University;
Family Environments, Parental Rearing Patterns and Internet Addiction in Middle School Students
YU Ai-jun;Hainan Provincial Anning Hospital;
Review of the Influence Factors of Depression in Pelagic Fishermen
YANG Juan;CAI Lin;Department of Psychology;Hainan Medical College;School of Sociology and Psychology;Southwest University for Nationalities;
Trait Rumination and Deficits of Executive Functions
CHEN Xiao;FENG Zheng-zhi;School of Psychology;Third Military Medical University;
Effects of Work-family Conflict in Predicting Marital Quality in Newly Weds
ZHENG Ying-xian;XIAO Jia-ying;LI Xiao-min;LAN Jing;JU Xiao-yan;FANG Xiao-yi;Institute of Development Psychology;Beijing Normal University;
The Effect and Mechanism of Concealment of Sexual Orientation on Meaning in Life in Young Gays
LI Fang;XING Jin-tao;WANG Yi-bo;NING Kai;ZHENG Xue;School of Psychology;Center for Studies of Psychological Application;South China Normal University;Mental Health Education and Counseling Center;Dongguan University of Technology;School of Education Science;Xinyang Normal University;
Number of Peers Who Consume Alcohol and Adolescents’ Drinking:The Mediating Effect of Drinking Motives
CHEN Li-hua;SU Shao-bing;YE Zhi;LI Bing-xin;LIN Dan-hua;Institute of Developmental Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development;Tufts University;Fu’an Junior Middle School;
The Influence of Pubertal Timing on Smoking and Drinking Behaviors in Adolescents
ZHU A-min;LING Hui;YANG Qin-ge;Hunan Normal University;
Effect of Sexual Objectification on Women’s Self-objectification:Moderated Mediating Effect
LI Jun-yi;YIN Qing;SHEN Xian-xin;School of Psychology;Central China Normal University;College of Extended Education;Sichuan University;AIEN Institute;Shanghai Ocean University;
Self-presentation on Social Network Sites and Ego Identity:Mediation of Online Positive Feedback
LIU Qing-qi;SUN Xiao-jun;ZHOU Zong-kui;NIU Geng-feng;Key Laboratory of Adolescent Cyber Psychology and Behavior;Ministry of Education;School of Psychology;Central China Normal University;
Big Five Personality and Impulsive Buying:the Mediation of Self-control and Sensation Seeking
DENG Shi-chang;GAO Jun;Department of Psychology;the School of Social Development and Social Policy;Fudan University;
The Influencing Factor Sleep Problems in Adolescents:A Longitudinal Study
YANG Yan-chuan;FAN Fang;CAI Rou-na;PENG Ting;HUANG Rong;JIANG Yu-lu;Center for Studies of Psychological Application;South China Normal University;
Work Family Conflict and Work Engagement in Special Education Teachers:Emotional Intelligence as a Moderator
LI Yong-zhan;Teacher Education College;Pingdingshan University;
Abusive Supervision and Academic Procrastination in Undergraduates:a Multiple Mediation Model
NI Shi-guang;DONG Rui;YANG Rui-dong;WANG Ru-jing;Graduate School at Shenzhen;Tsinghua University;School of Business Administration;Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics;
Mediating Effect of Empathy between Attachmentand Social Skills in College Students
ZHAO Xu-dong;GUAN Jian;School of Education;Ningxia University;
Academic Self-Handicapping:Why and How to Prevent It?
LI Dan-ni;XI Ju-zhe;ZUO Zhi-hong;School of Psychology and Cognitive Science;East China Normal University;Department of Preschool Education;East China Normal University;
The Effects of Positive Training on Anxiety and Cognitive Bias for Socially Anxious Individuals
YU Hong-yu;QIAN Ming-yi;YAO Ni-sha;School of Education;Minzu University of China;Department of Psychology;Peking University;
Effect of Mindfulness Training Improving Emotional Inertia:Moderation Role of Mindfulness Trait
XU Wei;LIU Xing-hua;LIU Rong;Beijing Leaming and Cognition Laboratory;Department of Psychology;Capital Normal University;School of Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Elementary Educational College of Capital Normal University;
Stigma Toward Psychological Help-Seeking and Help-Seeking Intent:The Mediation Effect of Help-Seeking Attitudes
HAO Zhi-hong;LIANG Bao-yong;School of Medical and Humanities in Tianjin Medical University;Academy of Psychology and Behavior in Tianjin Normal University;
The Sandplay Assessment and Its Development Tendency
LV Ren-hui;ZHANG Ri-sheng;WU Lin-hua;MA Xi-juan;Institute of Developmental Psychology;Beijing Normal University;