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Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
2015 Issue 5
Parental Investment and Children’s Life Satisfaction in Urban Families with Different Income
ZHANG Qin;ZHANG Cai;ZHANG Xing-hui;XIANG Zi-ni;WANG Yun;School of Political Science and Public Administration;University of Electronic Science and Technology of Chengdu;China State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning;Beijing Normal University;National Innovation Center for Assessment of Basic Education Quality;Beijing Normal University;School of Education;Hainan Normal University;
The Buffering Effects of Self-complexity: Based on the Daily Hassles and Critical Life Events
GONG ling;ZHANG da-jun;Center of Psychological Consultation;East China Jiaotong University;Research Center of Mental Health Education & Department of Psychology;Southwest University;
Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth in Adolescent Survivors Following the Wenchuan Earthquake
ZHOU Xiao;WU Xin-chun;School of Psychology;Institute of Developmental Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Experimental Psychology;
Relationship between Family Social Economic Status and Subjective Well-being in Junior High School Students: the Role of Maternal Autonomy Support and Control
WANG Mei-fang;MENG Qing-xiao;LIU Li;XIAO Kun;School of Psychology;Shandong Normal University;
Parental Conflict and Parent-adolescent Conflict:the Mediating Effects of Conflict Evaluation
DENG Lin-yuan;ZHAO Xin-yu;Faculty of Education;Beijing Normal University;
Relationship between Parenting Style and Peer Problems:Theory of Mind as a Mediator and Moderator
GUO Xiao-lin;National Innovation Center for Assessment of Basic Education Quality;Beijing Normal University;Faculty of Education;Beijing Normal University;
Relationship between Differentiation of Self and Social Avoidance and Distress: Moderating Roles of Security
AN Qin;CHEN Hao;School of Humanities and Social Sciences;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Effect of Resilience on Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in Chinese Grassroots Civil Servants
HONG Wei;XIE Zhong-yao;ZHOU Li-li;XU Hong-hong;HAO Shu-wei;Department of Medical Psychology;Institute of Medical Humanities;Peking University Health Science Center;
Social Adjustment and Emotion Regulation in College Students with Depression-trait
ZHOU Han-yu;LI Huan-huan;ZHOU Kun;XU Rui-hang;FU Yu-xin;Department of Psychology;Renmin University of China;
Social Anxiety, Aggression and Depression:the Mediating of Regulatory Emotional Self-efficacy
WU Xiao-wei;HUANG Ling;HE Xiao-qin;TANG Hai-bo;PU Wei-dan;Psychological Clinic;the People’s Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region;Department of Clinical Psychology;Third Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;School of Marxism;Central South University;Medical Psychological Institute;Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;
Intolerance of Uncertainty and Worrying and Anxiety:Mediating Effect of Problem Orientation
LI Zhi-yong;WANG Da-peng;WU Ming-zheng;OU YANG Ru-yang;SHEN Dan-qi;Mental Health Education Center;Huainan Normal University;College of Education;Fujian Normal University;Department of Psychology and Behavior Science;Zhejiang University;
Relationship of Doctor-patient Communication with Shyness and Social Self-esteem in Medical Interns
GUO Shi;CHENG Zao-huo;LIU Xin-min;HU Hong;Humanities and Management School of Wannan Medical College;Wuxi Mental Health Center;
Coping Efficacy and Employability: Mediating Role of Career Exploration
ZHANNG Yun-long;YE Bao-juan;LUO Zhao-sheng;SUN Chao;LIU Dong;School of Psychology;Jiangxi Normal University;
Attributional Bias of Self-esteem and Its Effects on State Anxiety
GAO Li;College of Humanities and Sciences;Henan University of Science and Technology;
Attitudes Toward Homosexuals of Heterosexual Adults in Changsha
CHEN Huan;GAO Yang-xiaohui;ZHOU Ju-yan;CAO Yu-ping;Department of Psychology;Hunan First Normal University;Mental Health Institute;Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;
The Current Status and Enlightenment on Western Adolescent Sense of Community
LING Hui;ZHONG Ni;ZHANG Jian-ren;Department of Psychology;Hunan Normal University;
Effects of Early-life Traumatic Stress Experience on the Expression of 5-HT Receptors in Rats’ Prefrontal Cortex and Hippocampus
LIU Yuan;YU Hui-hui;LI Chu-ting;YIN Shi-ping;XU Jing-jing;PAN Fang;Institute of Medical Psychology;School of Medicine;Shandong University;
Association of Clock Gene rs11133391 Polymorphism with Depressions and Primary Insomnia
HU Yi-qiu;ZHANG Miao;ZHU Cui-ying;College of education;Hunan Agriculture University;
Morphological Abnormities in Early-onset and Late-onset Schizophrenia Patients
FANG Ji-cheng;LI De-min;CHEN Xu-dong;NIE Bin-bin;LIU Hua;WANG Jing-juan;LI Jing;LIU Zhe-ning;SHAN Bao-ci;Physical Science and Technology;Zhengzhou University;Key Laboratory of Nuclear Analytical Techniques;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing Engineering Research Center of Radiographic Techniques and Equipment;Institute of Mental Health;Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University;
Actual Intimacy Modulates Self Concept Including Different Types of Others
XIA Rui-xue;JIN Rui-jie;ZHAO Hai-yan;NIU Bai-ling;School of Psychology;North West Normal University;
Effects of Power Priming on Power Stereotype
ZHANG Shan-ming;ZHONG Yi-ping;XIAO Li-hui;LUO Fu-sheng;Mental Health Education and Research Center;Central South University of Forestry and Technology;Department of Psychology;Hunan Normal University;
Mere Exposure Effect of Treatment Preferences
CAI Wen-peng;CHAI Huang-yang-zi;DONG Wei;YAN Jin;DENG Guang-hui;TANG Jing-hua;Department of Psychology and Mental Health;Second Military Medical University;Graduate School;Wannan Medical College;Department of Psychology;Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;
Brain Functional abnormalities in Schizophrenia: an f MRI Study based on Stable Component of Independent Component Analysis
LI Jing;ZHAO Shun-jun;ZHOU Li;NIE Bin-bin;WANG Jing-juan;FANG Ji-cheng;SHAN Bao-ci;LIU Zhe-ning;Physical Engineering College;Zhengzhou University;Division of Nuclear Technology and Applications;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing Engineering Research Center of Radiographic Techniques and Equipment;Institute of Mental Health;Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University;
Type A Behavior and Electrocardiogram ST-T Ischemic Change and Coronary Artery Lesion
HUANG Wei;YANG Ming-shi;XIAO Xue-hui;DING Si-qing;XIAO Tao;GUO Mei-ying;QIN Lu-lu;XIAO Shui-yuan;The Emergency Department of the Third Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;Public Health School of Central South University;
Relationship of Serum Homocysteine with Cognitive Function in Chronic Schizophrenia
DAI Xin-guo;YE Fei;WU Hui;XIA Xu-lan;ZHAO Xiao-ya;Affiliated Wutaishan Hospital of Medical College of Yangzhou University;
A Research on Correlation between Metamemory Monitoring Accuracy and Memory Performance
YAN Yan;School of Education;Lanzhou University;
The Knowledge Map on Development of Chinese Clinical Psychology——Information Visualization Analysis for Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
SU Chun-hui;ZHANG Chi-chen;ZHENG Jian-zhong;HU Wei-hong;School of Public Health;Shanxi Medical University;School of Management;Shanxi Medical University;
Neurobiological Mechanism Based on FMRI in Unipolar and Bipolar Depression
HU Ai-min;XUE Zhi-min;LIU Zhe-ning;PU Wei-dan;Mental Health Institute of the Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;Department of Medicine;Jishou University;Medical Psychological Institute of the Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;
Mobile Phone Addiction symptom Profiles Related to Interpersonal Relationship and Loneliness for College Students: A Latent Profile Analysis
WANG Hui-hui;WANG Meng-cheng;WU Sheng-qi;School of Education;Ningxia University;Center for Psychology and Brain Science;Guangzhou University;
Effects of Temperament and Parental Control on Drug Use in Reform School Students
YE Bao-juan;ZHENG Qing;XIA Fei;YE Li-cong;School of Psychology;Jiangxi Normal University;School of Education;Jiangxi Normal University;Medical College of Fuzhou;Nanchang University;
Perfectionism and Suicidal Ideation in Undergraduate Students
LIU Qing;ZHAO Lin;YANG Li;Institute of Psychology;Tianjin University;
Effect of Cyber Victimization on Deviant Behavior in Adolescents: the Moderating Effect of Self-control
LI Ya-jun;CHEN Fu-mei;LU Fu-rong;WANG Yun;Henan Teaching and Research Office of Basic Education;National Innovation Center for Assessment of Basic Education Quality;Beijing Normal University;School of Education Science;Shanxi University;National Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning;Beijing Normal University;
Features of Alexithymia in Adolescents: A Latent Class Analysis
LING Yu;HE Yu-shu;LI Zhi-hua;LIU Wen-li;College of Education;Hunan Agriculture University;College of Orient Science & Technology;Hunan Agriculture University;
Effects of Perceptions of Inter-parental Conflict and Self Identity on Interent Addction in Adolescents
ZHANG Xin-yue;DENG Lin-yuan;Faculty of Education;Beijing Normal University;Beijing Jingyuan School;
Perceived Public Attitude and Loneliness in the Homosexuals: Moderating of Coming Out Condition
LI Li-ming;ZHAO Bi-hua;College of Educational Science;Anhui Normal University;
A Prospective Study of Emotional Suppression and Depressive Symptoms in Women with Breast Cancer
LI Ling-yan;ZHU Xiong-zhao;WANG Yu-ping;YANG Yu-ling;ZHANG Jin-qiang;Medical Psychological Institute;Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;
Prevalence and Characteristic Study on Overweight and Obesity in Chinese Secondary School Students
TAN Ya-fei;XIN Xiu-hong;YI Jin-yao;YAO Shu-qiao;Medical Psychological Research Institute;Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;Hunan University of Technology;College of Science and Technology;Medical Psychology Department;Clinical Medical College;Ningxia Medical University;
Parental Patterns, Childhood Abuse, Attachment and Personality Disorders
HUANG Shang-shang;AN Jing;Changsha Aeronautical Vocational and Technical College;School of Life Science;Central South University;State Key Laboratory of Medical Genetics;
The Mediating Effect of Loneliness between Social Support and Phone Addiction Tendency
LIU Wen-li;CAI Tai-sheng;Medical Psychological Institute;Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;College of Orient Science & Technology;Hunan Agriculture University;
Impact of Over-genenral Autobiographical Memory and Daily Hassles on Depressive Symptoms in College Students: a Longitudinal Study
XIAO Jing;YAN Jing;HOU Wen-yin;YU Ping;Beijing Key Laboratory of Learning and Cognition and Department of Psychology;Capital Normal University;
Review of Near Death Experience Studies
MIAO Xing-zhuang;Senior Research Fellow Department;Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences;
Screening for Depressive Disorder in Adolescents: Validity of Chinese Version of the Patients Health Questionnaire 2-Item
YANG Wen-hui;LI Li;XIAO Li-hui;PENG Fang;LIU Hai-hong;Department of Psychology;Hunan Normal University;Mental Health Center;Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;
Measurement Invariance of the Perceived Stress Scale in College Men and Women
LIU Wan-ting;YI Jin-yao;ZHONG Ming-tian;ZHU Xiong-zhao;Medical Psychological Institute;Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University;
A Pilot Study on Intervention Effect of Self-compassion Group Training on Depressed Graduates
YANG Lin;LIU Ye-ying;SHAO Jia;MA Min-na;TIAN Kang;Physical Culture and Education College of Nanchang University;