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Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
2014 Issue 4
Sensitivity to Monetary Reward in Drug Abstainers at Different Post-drug Withdrawal Phases: An ERP Study
ZHOU Ping-yan;LIU Dan-wei;ZHOU Ren-lai;SUN Ben-liang;XIAO Jie;LI Song;Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Experimental Psychology;School of Psychology;Beijing Normal University;National Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning;and IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research;Beijing Normal University;Emotional Regulation Research Center of Beijing Normal University;Center for Collaboration and Innovation in Brain and Learning Sciences;Beijing Drug Rehabilitation Center;
Effect of Downward Social Comparison on Implicit Face Self-evaluation in Females with Facial Negative Physical Self: the Difference between Supraliminal and Subliminal Comparison
KOU Hui;SU Yan-hua;YI Xu-can;LUO Xiao-chun;CHEN Hong;School of Psychology;Southwest University;
The Influence of 8-Week Mindfulness Training on Unconscious Emotion Processing
XU Shao-qing;LI Bo;MA Chang-yan;HE Lan-miao;Political Department;Armed Police Force 8651;School of Humanities and Social Sciences;Beijing Institute of Technology;Elementary Education College;Capital Normal University;
Induced Anxiety Have Causal Effects on Interpretative Bias Across Self/Other-related Situations
ZHU Jin-wei;ZHANG Yan-qin;HUANG Hui-xin;ZHANG Feng;Department of Psychology;Ningbo University;Department of Education and Science;Shanxi Xueqian Normal University;
Explore the Cause of Verbal-visual Connection Deficits in Children with Chinese Dictation Difficulties
LIU Yi-ze;LI Yan;LIU Xiang-ping;School of Psychology;Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Sichuan Education Science Research Institute;
The Expression of DRD1 and mi R-504 in Striatum of Depressed Rats Induced by Chronic Stress
WANG Yu-ting;ZHANG Yi;BAI Mei;XUE Liang;WANG Lei;ZHU Xiong-zhao;Medical Psychological Institute;Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;
Biased Cognitive Processing in Accidentally Injured Patients with Different Posttraumatic Growth Levels
DONG Chao-qun;GONG Shu-mei;DENG Guang-hui;XIN Song-jian;LIU Xiao-hong;School of Nursing;Wenzhou Medical University;School of Nursing;Secondary Military Medical University;Faculty of Psychology and Mental Health;Secondary Military Medical University;Rehabilitation Department;Secondary Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University;
Predictive Value of Negative Cognitive Variables on Emotional Problems after Bereavement
HE Li;YU Wei;HU Po;XU Wei;YAN Yu-lei;WANG Jian-ping;School of Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Capital Medical University;
Psychological Analysis of Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder:A View of Family System
LI Ze;LIN Xiu-yun;LIU Yang;LI Jun-hong;HE Jie;CAO Yan-ying;Department of Psychology;School of Humanities and Social Sciences;Beihang University;Institute of Developmental Psychology;School of Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Tingjin Primary School;Shijia Branch Primary School;Dongcheng District;
The Moderating Effect of Neuroticism on Relationship between Negative Life Events and Anxiety Symptoms in High School Students: A Multi-wave Longitudinal Study
WANG Run-cheng;MING Qing-sen;JIANG Ya-li;GAO Yi-dian;CAO Xi-yu;YAO Shu-qiao;Medical Psychological Research Center;Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;
Prevalence of Internet Addiction Disorder and Mental Health Status among College Students
ZHOU Xiao-qin;XI Xiao-lan;CHENG Zao-huo;SHEN Li-ye;LI Ping;Wuxi Mental Health Center of Nanjing Medical University;Jiangnan University;
Posttraumatic Growth and Related Factors in Hospitalized Patients with Advanced Cancer
LI Ning;WANG Li;CAO Xing;CAO Cheng-qi;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Key Laboratory of Mental Health;Insitute of Psychology;Chinese Academy of Science;Department of General Medicine;Cancer Hospital;Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences;
Thinking Bias in Gastrointestinal Disorder Patients: the Mediating Effect of Perceived Health
SHEN Ke-han;LI Hong;Department of Psychology;Tsinghua University;
Latent Classes of Campus Victimization and Anxiety among Children and Adolescents
ZHANG Xing-hui;LI Fang;XIANG Zi-ni;WANG Yun;National Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning;Beijing Normal University;
Binge Eating and Health-related Quality of Life in Overweight and Obese Adolescents
HE Jin-bo;ZHU Hong;WU Si-yao;LU Yao;CAI Tai-sheng;HOU Dian-qing;SUN Yan-ling;Medical Psychological Institute;Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;Beiya Middle School of Changsha;
Determinant Factors of Suicidal Ideation among College Students: a Meta-analysis
LI Ya-min;LEI Xian-yang;ZHANG Dan;LIU Li;TANG Si-yuan;Nursing School of Central South University;
Understanding Psychopathology from the Perspective of the Interpersonal Circumplex
WANG Shuo;ZHOU Ya;LIU Xiang-ping;Aaron L. Pincus;School of Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Department of Educational Psychology;The Chinese University of Hong Kong;Department of Psychology;The Pennsylvania State University;University Park;PA 16802;USA;
The Relationship between Meaning Thinking and Job Burnout from a Self-determination Perspective
CHEN Wei-yi;GAN Yi-qun;GUO Zhao-long;NIE Han-ying;FENG Ying;LIU Zhi-xiao;Department of Psychology;Peking University;
Sexual Orientation and Sexual Risk Behaviors among the Male College Student Who Have Sex with Men
LIU Bo;LUO Dan;HUANG Cai-yi;LI Jie;XIAO Yi;CHENG Rui;CHEN Xi;XIAO Shui-yuan;Department of Social Medicine and Health Management;Public Health School;Central South University;
Work Values’ Impact on Well-being and Mental Health: Comparison over Generations
CHEN Jian;LIAN Rong;College of Education;Fujian Normal University;
Conscientiousness Personality and Posttraumatic Growth: the Mediating of Coping Style
WU Yu-fei;AN Yuan-yuan;WU Xin-chun;LIN Chong-de;School of Psychology;Institute of Developmental Psychology;Beijing Normal University;School of Psychology;Nanjing Normal University;
Identity, Acculturation Strategy, and Intergroup Contact among Tibetan College Students in Beijing
SHI Jia-xin;LIU Li;ZHANG Xiao-xiao;School of Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Beijing Key Lab of Applied Experimental Psychology;
Creative Self-efficacy, Thinking Styles and Artistic Creativity of Art Students
LI Ji-pin;LIU Xiu-li;Faculty of Education;Northeast Normal University;
Life Events and Life Satisfaction: Mediating Effect of Resilience in Junior High School Students
XIE Jia-shu;LI Jie;Hunan Normal University;
Mediation of Extroversion and Self-esteem on Relationship between Family Atmosphere and Loneliness in Rural Parent-absent Children
FAN Xing-hua;FANG Xiao-yi;ZHANG Shang-yan;CHEN Feng-ju;HUANG Yue-sheng;Department of Education;Hunan First Normal College;Institue of Developmental Psychology;Beijing Normal University;
Relationship among Parent-child Attachment, Peer Attachment and Anxiety in Adolescents
WU Qing-xing;WANG Mei-fang;School of Feixian;Linyi Normal University;
Elderly Mental Health Quality and Mental Health Condition: Mediating Effect of Social Support
LI Qiang;XU Wei;LI Ling;Psychology Researching Centre of Nankai University;
The Characteristics of Impulsivity and Its Relationship with the Big Five Personality in Criminals
LUO Yan-hong;CAI Tai-sheng;CHEN Gui;Woman’s Mental Health Research Center;Hunan Women’s University;
Parent-child Triangulation and Depression:the Mediating Effect of Self-esteem
WANG Zhao-na;WANG Mei-ping;School of Psychology;Shandong Normal University;
Underachievement Students’ University Adaptation,Academic Emotions and Learning Burnout
GAO Ming;Hunan Vocational College of Commerce;
The Analysis of the Surveys on Secondary School Teachers by SCL-90 During the Past 14 Years
WU Hong-yang;School of Education;Neijiang Normal University;
The Current Status and Prospects on Self-supporting
LING Hui;ZHANG Jian-ren;ZHONG Ni;LV Zou-qin;TANG Xin-yao;School of Educational Science;Hunan Normal University;
The Development of Emotion Regulation in Adolescents and Its Influencing Factors
ZHAO Xin;ZHANG Run-zhu;ZHOU Ren-lai;School of Psychology;Northwest Normal University;Emotion Regulation Research Center;Beijing Normal University;Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Experimental Psychology;Beijing Normal University;
Reliability and Validity of the Friedman-Bendas Test Anxiety Scale in Chinese Middle School Students
WEI Jia;ZHANG Chun-yu;DONG Shan-chuan;CHEN-Wei;ZHANG Jin-fu;Faculty of Psychology;Southwest University;
Development of Chinese College Student Mattering Scale
YUAN Ying;ZHAO Bi-hua;College of Educational Science;Anhui Normal University;
Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Revision of Co-parenting Scale
LIU Chang;WU Xin-chun;CHEN Ling-ling;School of Psychology;Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Experimental Psychology;Beijing Normal University;
Psychometric Evaluation of Loneliness Scale in Chinese Middle School Students
LI Xiao-wei;ZOU Hong;LIU Yan;Faculty of Education;Beijing Normal University;Institute of Development Psychology;Beijing Normal University;
Sandplay Therapy to a Female Patient Comorbid Major Depression and Somatization Disorder
ZHANG Qiu-yuan;LI Jie;FENG Jian-guo;LIU Jian-xin;GAO Lan;City University of Macau;Jiangxi Normal University;Daqing Normal University;South China Normal University;
Experimental Intervention of Emotion Understanding for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder
YANG Na;QIAN Le-qiong;XIAO Xiao;ZHOU Shi-jie;Medical Psychological Institute;Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;
Pretend Playing Training Improves Theory of Mind in Children with Autism
XIAO Xiao;YANG Na;QIAN Le-qiong;ZHOU Shi-jie;Medical Psychological Institute;Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;
The Application of Case Conceptualization in System Family Therapy
LIU Dan;ZHANG Jie;Student Counseling Center;Tsinghua University;Institute of Education;Yunnan University of Nationalities;
Effect of Computerized Cognitive Remediation Therapy on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
WANG Ling-zhi;GUO Yao-guang;SHEN Feng;Guangzhou Brain Hospital;
Technology in Counseling: Applications and Ethical Considerations
XU Hui;WANG Dan-ni;HOU Zhi-jin;Counseling and Counseling Psychology;Arizona State University;School of Psychology;Beijing Normal University;
Trauma-focused Cognitive-behavioral Therapy for Children and Adolescent
JIANG Fan;AN Yuan-yuan;WU Xin-chun;School of Psychology;Beijing Normal University;School of Psychology;Nanjing Normal University;