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Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
2012 Issue 2
Contingencies of Self-worth and Self-congruence in Chinese Adolescents
HU Jun-sheng;WANG Deng-feng;ZhANG Zhang-ran Department of Psychology;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430072;China
Abusive Supervision and Employees’ Deviant Bahavior:The Moderating Effects of Colleagues’ Behaviors and Likelihood of Punishment
JIANG Jiang;WANG Rong School of Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China
The Study of Inhibition of Return(IOR) in Visual Channel on First Episode Depression Patients
GAO Li-ling;WANG Kai;DONG Yi;XIONG Zu-lun Department of Psychiatry;Anhui Mental Health Centre;Hefei 230032;China
Characteristics of Money Management Strategies in Urban China and Its Impact on Women’s Marital Quality
ZHANG Hui-ping;NIE Jing;Tsang Kit Man Department of Social Work;Renmin University of China;Beijing 100872;China
Research on the Relationship Between Parental Rearing Pattern and Adult Attachment of Vocational College Students
GAO Ming Hunan Vocational College of Commerce;Changsha 410205;China
Development of Psychological Research on Machiavellianism
GENG Yao-guo;YANG Nan;ZHANG Kui Department of Education;Zhengzhou University;Zhengzhou 450001;China
Relationship Between Perfectionism and Procrastination in Undergraduate Students:Mediating Effect of Achievement Motivation
CHI Hao-yang;ZHAO Ran;HOU Zhi-jin;LIN Nan School of Psychology;Peking Normal University;Beijing 100875;China
Investigate the Incidence of Anxiety and Depression in Outpatients from Cardiovascular Department in a General Hospital
ZHAO Man;YU Guo-long;YANG Tian-lun Department of Cardiology;Xiangya Hospital;Central Southern University;Changsha 410008;China
3-to-8 Year Olds’ Beliefs About Gender Differences in Traits
GU Ji-you;CAO Ren-yan;WANG Mei-fang School of Psychology;Shandong Normal University;Jinan 250014;China
Application Perspective of Person-organization Fit in Employee Selection
GUO Jing;LI Jin-yi Guangdong University of Business Studies;Guangzhou 510320;China
Relationship Between Attachment to Parents and Bullying,Victimization of 4-6th Graders
LIU Xiao-qun;YANG Xin-hua;ZHOU Li-hua;WANG Li-jun;SU Lin-yan Mental Health Institute of the Second Hospital;Central South University;Changsha 410011;China
Evaluation on Mental Health Status for New-empty-nest Residents
ZHOU Cheng-chao;CHU Jie;LIU Dong-mei;et al Shandong University;Jinan 250012;China
Reliability and Validity of Chinese Version of the Regulatory Emotional Self-efficacy Scale in Junior Middle School Students
HUANG Shi-hua;LIU Pei-ling;ZHANG Wei;LIANG Shang-qing Economic and Management College;Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine;Guangzhou 510006;China
Poor Sleep Quality Associated with PTSD,Anxiety,and Depression Among Adolescents Exposed to 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake,China
GENG Fu-lei;FAN Fang;ZHANG Lan Center for Studies of Psychological Application;South China Normal University;Guangzhou 510631;China
Characteristics of Parental Corporal Punishment on Elementary School Children
WANG Mei-fang;XING Xiao-pei School of Psychology;Shandong Normal University;Jinan 250014;China
Adolescence’s Online Self-presentation
GU Xuan;JIN Sheng-hua;LI Hong-xia;WU Song School of Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Experimental Psychology;Beijing 100875;China
Influence of Word Context on Emotion Recognition from Facial Expression
LIU Hong-yan;HU Zhi-guo Psychology Department;Zhejiang Sci-Tech University;Hangzhou 310018;China
Applicability of Game Character Attachment Questionnaire in Chinese College Students
WEI Hua;ZHOU Zong-kui;TIAN Yuan;LUO Qing;WU Shu-xin Key Laboratory of Adolescent Cyber Psychology and Behavior; School of Psychology;Central China Normal University;Wuhan 430079;China
Moderating Role of Alexithymia in Adolescents’ Stress and Depressive Symptoms
LING Yu;ZHONG Ming-tian;YI Jing-yao;YANG Juan;YAO Shu-qiao Normal College of Science and Technology;Hunan Agriculture University;Changsha 410028;China
Relationship Between Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Depression
CAI Lin;ZHONG Ming-jie;ZHU Xiong-zhao;TANG Qiu-ping;WANG Qin;et al Medical Psychological Research Institute;Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;Changsha 410011;China
Rlationship Between Internet Self-efficacy and Time Management Disposition in College Studens
CAI Rong;ZHOU Shi-jie Medical Psychological Institute;Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;Changsha 410011;China
A Brief Analysis on the Psychopathology of Chan
WEI Ji-huai;TANG Qiu-ping;DENG Yun-long Institute of Psychological Health;The 3rd Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;Changsha 410013;China
Application of Projective Tree Drawing Test in Adolescents with Depression
YAN Hu;CHEN Jin-dong Mental Health Institute;Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;Changsha 410001;China
Development of a Network Consumer Preferences of College Students Questionnaire
HUANG Jian-bo;HUANG Fei Business School of Central South University;Changsha 410083;China
Research and Theory About Shame and PTSD
DAI Yun;WANG Mi;QIAN Ming-yi Department of Psychology;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
Development of Interpretive Theory of Mind in 5-to 7-year-old Children
XU Wei;HAN Ren-sheng Department of Basic Psychology;Faculty of Medical Humanities;Yantai 264003;China
Investigation on Status and Influencing Factors of Sexual Attitudes and Bahaviors Among College Students in Changsha
LIU Bin-bin;XI Guang-xiang;YAN Qiang;YAN Yan School of Public Health;Central South University;Changsha 410078;China
Ideas and Methods of Psychotherapy in Chan
YAO Rui;TANG Qiu-ping;DENG Yun-long Institute of Psychosomatic Health;The 3rd Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;Changsha 410013;China
Factorial Structure of Parenting Sense of Competence Scale in Chinese Parents
PENG Yong-mei;LIU Qin;ZHOU Shi-jie Clinical Psychology Institute;Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;Changsha 410011;China
Revision of Mindful Attention Awareness Scale(MAAS)
CHEN Si-yi;CUI Hong;ZHOU Ren-lai;JIA Yan-yan Beijing Key Lab of Applied Experimental Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China
A Cross-cultural Study on Youth’ Ego Identity from Guangdong,Hongkong and Macau
ZENG Qing The Mental Health of Ji’Nan University;Guangzhou 510632;China
Relationship Between Attachment and Solitude in High School Students
DAI Xiao-yang;LIU Jia-pei Normal College of Shenzhen University;Shenzhen 518060;China
Development of Subjective Socioeconomic Status Scale for Chinese Adolescents
HU Mu-li;WANG Meng-cheng;CAI Lin;ZHU Xiong-zhao;YAO Shu-qiao Medical Psychological Research Institute;Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;Changsha 410011;China
Mediating Effect of Interpersonal Communication Disturbances Between College Students’ Shyness and Dependence of Online Communication
LI Fei-fei;LUO Qing;ZHOU Zong-kui;SUN Xiao-jun;WEI Hua Key Laboratory of Adolescent Cyber Psychology and Behavior; School of Psychology;Central China Normal University;Wuhan 430079;China
Neuro-cognitive Mechanism of Imagining Future and Its Role in Suicide
ZHENG Li;HU Zhi-guo Center for Cognition and Brain Disorders;Hangzhou Normal University;Hangzhou 310015;China
Relationship Between Smoking Outcome Expectancy and Smoking Behavior from Implicit Social Cognition Perspective
WU Ming-zheng;SUN Xiao-ling;LIU You-shan Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310028;China
A Study of Behavioral Problems and Self-consciousness in Children with Anxiety Disorder
SHEN Ling;LUO Xue-rong;WEI Zhen;GUAN Bing-qing;YUAN Xiu-hong;et al Mental Health Institute of Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;Changsha 410011;China
College Student’s Implicit Attitude to the Olds in the Virtue Situation
REN Na;ZUO Bin;WANG Guo-ju;HOU Fei-xiang School of Psychology;Central China Normal University;Wuhan 430079;China
Assessment of Efficacy of Health Education and Exercise Interventions for Type 2 Diabetes Patients with Anxiety
WANG Zhi-yu;XIAO Jing;CHU Song-ling The Community Health Service Center;Capital Normal University;Beijing 100048;China
School Belonging and Adjustment in Migrant Children:Mediating Role of Collective Self-esteem
PENG Li-juan;CHEN Xu;LEI Peng;ZOU Rong Research Center of Mental Health Education;Southwest University;Chongqing 400715;China
White Bear Suppression Inventory:Structure,Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version
Marcus A.Rodriguez;JIA Ke;QIAN Ming-yi Department of Psychology;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China