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Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
2011 Issue 6
Counseling Relationship: Main Components and Their Interaction
NI Jing;HOU Zhi-jin;SHAO Jin School of Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China
Effect of Misfit Person on Test Reliability and Validity
LIU Tuo;DAI Xiao-yang Department of Psychology;Shenzhen University;Shenzhen 518060;China
Intergenerational Transmission of Corporal Punishment: Mediating Effects of Parents’ Attitudes Toward Corporal Punishment
XING Xiao-pei;ZHANG Yan-ling;WANG Mei-fang School of Psychology;Shandong Normal University;Jinan 250014;China
Primary Development of a Questionnaire About Employee’s Deviance Behavior Under Work Stress
YAO Yan-hong;LI Yuan School of Business Administration;Hunan University;Changsha 410082;China
Family Upbringing Style Questionaire:Devenlopment,Reliability and Validity
CHENG Zao-huo;XI Xiao-lan;CHEN Yuan-yuan;ZHAO Li-yun;YI Yuan Wuxi Mental Health Center;Wuxi 214151;China
Tendency and Status of Research of Psychological Counseling Training in China
ZHANG Jie;DENG Yun-long;XIE Li-qin The 3rd Xiangya Hospital;CSU;Changsha 410013;China
An Empirical Research on Therapeutic Reply Model and Techniques of E-mail Counseling
ZHAO Jia-lu;JIA Xiao-ming;XU Lin;ZHOU Yue Applied Psychological Institute;Beijing Institute of Technology;Beijing 100081;China
Research Progress of Facial Emotion Recognition in Autism
ZHANG Yu-feng;WANG Kai;ZHU Chun-yan Medical Psychology Department;Anhui Medical University;Hefei 230032;China
Explicit Self-esteem,Relative Implicit Self-esteem and Global Implicit Self-esteem
AI Chuan-guo;ZUO Bin School of Psychology and Hubei Human Development and Mental Health Key Laboratory;Central China Normal University;Wuhan 430079;China
Positive Solitude and It’s Means of Psychology
DAI Xiao-yang;CHEN Xiao-li;YU Jie-qiong Department of Psychology;Shenzhen University;Shenzhen 518060;China
Relation Between Ego Identity Status and Separation-Individuation in University Students: Moderation of Personality
WANG Shu-qing;SONG Shang-gui;TONG Yue-hua School of Education and Psychology Science;University of Jinan;Jinan 250022;China
A Study on Mediating Effect of Avoidant Coping Between Perfectionism and Depression
YANG Li;LI Juan;WANG Yue-fei;LI Jing Institute of Psychology;Tianjin University;Tianjin 300072;China
Characteristics of Executive Function in Children with Learning Disorder of Different Subtypes
ZHANG Yan;LIU Ai-shu;ZHANG Xiu-zhu;YU Zeng-yan College of Humanities and Social Sciences;Harbin Engineering University;Harbin 150001;China
Development of Family Adversity Scale for Parent-absent Children in Rural China
FAN Xing-hua;FANG Xiao-yi;CHEN Feng-ju Department of Education;Hunan First Normal College;Changsha 410205;China
Effects of Mental Heath Education from Positive Psychology on Middle School Students’ Mental Health
JIANG Gui-fang Institute of Psychology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100101;China
Characteristics of Impulsiveness and Gender Differences in Heroin Dependent Patients
LI Zhi-bin;YUAN Ying;DU Jiang;JIANG Hai-feng;ZHAO Min Shanghai Mental Health Center;Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine;Shanghai 200030;China
Post Traumatic Disorder and Depressive Symptoms Among Survived Children Six-month After the Yushu Earthquake
ZHAO Pin-liang;SHI Zhan-biao;WANG Li Institute of Psychology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100101;China
Executive Function and Internet Addiction
ZHANG Nan;WANG Kai;LIANG Zhen;ZHU Chun-yan Department of Medical Psychology;Anhui Medical University;Hefei 230032;China
Intelligence and Personality Predict Academic Achievement: The "Big Five" Prespective
WANG Jin-yang;WANG Meng-cheng;DAI Xiao-yang Shenzhen Middle School;Shenzhen 518001;China
Aggression Among College Students:Characterizing Impulsive Aggression and Premeditated Aggression and Their Respective Predictors
CHEN Rui-yun;YANG Yin;LIN Jie-ying;QIAN Ming-yi Department of Psychology;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
Research of Error Monitoring in Individuals with Obsessive-compulsive Disorder
TAO Rui;WANG Ke-yong;ZHU Chun-yan;et al Department of Psychology;Anhui Medical University;Hefei 230032;China
Reliability and Validity of Chinese Version of Self-compassion Scale
CHEN Jian;YAN Liang-shi;ZHOU Li-hua Psychology Department;Hunan Normal University;Changsha 410081;China
Sub-function Evaluation Method of Central Executive System in Working Memory
ZHAO Xin;ZHOU Ren-Lai Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Experimental Psychology; School of Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China
Relationship Between the Symptoms of Cluster-B Personality Disorders and Dysfunctional Beliefs
HUANG Qiu-ping;ZHANG Qian-qian;ZHOU Shi-jie;WU Lu-yang Medical Psychological Institute;Second Xiangya Hospital;Central South University;Changsha 410011;China
A Qualitative Study on Coping Process of Autistic Children’s Mother
AN Qin;HU Pin School of Humanities and Social Sciences;Beijing Institute of Technology;Beijing 100081;China
Integrated Primary Care and Mental Health Service in America
JIN Hong;HUANG Xi-ting School of Psychology;Southwest University;Chongqing 400715;China
Research on College Men’s Basketball Athletes’ Pre-competition State Anxiety and Related Affecting Factors
HE Hao-yu;CUI Han-jin;TANG Hai-bo;GUO Feng;LU Chao-qun Department of Clinical Psychology;Third Xiangya Hospital;CSU;Changsha 410013;China
Cognitive Emotion Regulation of Shame and General Negative Emotions
GAO Jun;QIAN Ming-yi;WANG Wen-yu Department of Psychology;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
Applicability of Three Fator Eating Questionaire Among Chinese Women Undergraduates
SHI Ming-li;KONG Fan-chang;CHEN Hong;CHENG Dan School of Psychology;Southwest University;Chongqing 400715;China
The Charitable Donation in Personal Misfortune Condition-Mediation Effect of Empathy
DING Xian-feng;LIU Hua-shan School of Psychology;Huazhong Normal University;Hubei Province Human Development and Mental Health Key Lab;Wuhan 430079;China
A Comparative Research of Subjective Sleep and Objective Sleep in Depressions
HU Yi-qiu;XIE Guang-rong;YANG Kun Teachers College of Science and Technology;Hunan Agriculture University;Changsha 410128;China
Coping Negative Academic Evaluation: The Role of Self-compassion
DONG Yan;ZHOU Hao;YU Guo-liang Department of Psychology;Renmin University of China;Beijing 100872;China
A Study on Personality Trait of Introversive and Extroversive Tendency Revealed by Contingent Negative Variation
WANG Guo-feng;PENG Xiao-hu Department of Educational Science;Hunan First Normal University;Changsha 410002;China
Primary Development and Validation of Career Resilience Questionnaire in China
WANG Ming-hui;LI Zong-bo Institute of Psychology and Behavior;Henan University;Kaifeng 475001;China
The Development and Validation of the Workplace Ostracism Scale
JIANG Jiang;LU Zheng-rong;ZHANG Wen Beijing Key Lab of Applied Experimental Psychology;School of Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China
Neural Network-based Mental Health Evaluation Model
XI Xiao-lan;CHENG Zao-huo Mental Health Education Center;Jiangnan University;Wuxi 214122;China
The Relationship Between Psychological Capital and Job Satisfaction,Life Satisfaction:Mediator Role of Work-family Facilitation
LI Zhi-yong;WU Ming-zheng;ZHANG Ai-qun Education Department Huainan Normal University;Huainan 232038;China
Meta-analysis of Big-five Factor Personality Tests in China
LUO Jie;DAI Xiao-yang Department of Psychology;Shenzhen University;Shenzhen 518060;China
Formation of Associative Learning of Fear and Its Neural Mechanisms
LIU Hong-yan;WANG Qian;HU Zhi-guo Psychology Department;Zhejiang Sci-Tech University;Hangzhou 310018;China
A Study of the Relationship of Aggressive,Social Support,Family Adaptability and Cohesion of the Left-behind Delinquents
ZHAO Lan;TANG Juan;LI Ke-sheng Execution on Science;Hunan Justice Police Vocational College;Changsha 410205;China
Relationship Between Depression and Related Factors of Parents with Disabled Children
ZHANG Yi;YI Chun-li Department of Psychology;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China