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Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
2010 Issue 2
Effects of Different Procedures of Psychological Stress on Immune Function of Rats with Bronchial Asthma
lu yan xia ; liu meng ; shi shou sen ; yang le jin ; liu xin ; jiang hong ; zhang zuo ; pan fang
Employees\' Emotional Intelligence,the Perception of Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction
WANG Ye-fei;CAI Tai-sheng;DENG Li
Abused Experiences and Ethical Behaviors of the Counselors and Psychotherapists
zhao jing bo ; ji jian lin ; cheng wen hong ; zhang bai fang ; zhang zuo ; fu shen sheng
A Study of the Relationship Between Clinicians\' Work-family Conflict and Job Burnout
TANG Han-ying;MA Hong-yu;WANG Mao-yun;WANG Bin
Ecological Context of Parental Corporal Punishment Occurrence
XING Xiao-pei;WANG Mei-fang
Characteristics of High Risk Behaviors and Its Contributing Factors Among Young Female Rural-to-urban Migrants in Beijing,China
LIN Dan-hua;MA Li-xia;XU Xiao-ye-nan;LIN Xiu-yun;WANG Fang
Relationships Among Narcissism,Empathy,and Prosocial Behaviors
Reliabilities and Validities of Chinese Version of Interpersonal Reactivity Index
RONG Xing;SUN Bing-hai;HUANG Xiao-zhong;CAI Min-ying;LI Wei-jian
Visiting Rate of Patients with Depression and It\' s Influential Factors in Rural Communities of Liuyang
GUI Li-hui;XIAO Shui-yuan;ZHOU Liang;ZHANG Qi-wen
Association Analysis of Triallelic 5-HTTLPR Polymorphism and Adolescent Depressive Disorder
ma jing ; su lin yan ; yu shun ying ; liang shan ; ding jun ; feng zhe ; yang fan ; gao wei jia ; lin jia ni ; huang chun xiang ; liu tie qiao ; xie guang rong
Relationship Between Adult Attachment,Self-esteem and Social Support of College Students
he ying ; zhang ya lin ; yang hai yan ; li li ; zhang ying li
Mental Health and Its Related Factors in Patients Admitted for Ophthalmological Surgery
DENG Xiang-hui;CAO Yu-ping;LI Hong-yu;LIU Chong-ci
Reliability and Validity of Moral Disengagement Scale in Chinese Students
WANG Xing-chao;YANG Ji-ping
The Effect of Endogenous Attention When Mamillotegmental Tract of Rats Were Damaged
XIE Li-juan;CHEN Huan-wen;XIE Guang-rong;WU Li-xiang
Effect of Abdominal Breathing and Ignored Regulation on Heart Rate and Subjective Experience
ZHANG Ping;FENG Wen-bo;YANG Ke-le;LI Jian-ping
Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index-C
zhang feng feng ; dong yi ; wang kai ; zhan zhi yu ; xie lun fang
A Comparative Study on Psychological Abuse and Neglect and Emotional and Behavioral Problems of Left-behind Children and Nonleft-behind Children in Rural Areas
cheng pei xia ; da chao jin ; cao feng lin ; li ping ; feng dan ; jiang chen jun
Research on the Relationship Among Self-esteem,Self-control and Serf-learning of College Students
LIU Cheng-wei;LI Ke-sheng;CHEN Kun-hua;ZHOU Shi-jun
Preliminary Revision of Moral Disengagement Scale for Children
PAN Qing-quan;ZHOU Zong-kui
Classification of Children\'s Social Skills Deficits
WANG Mei-fang;CAO Ren-yan;XING Xiao-pei
Relationships Among Adolesents\' Life Events,Self-Esteem,Depression and Suicide Ideation
CHEN Chong;HONG Yue-hui;YANG Si
Retrospect and Prospect of the Studies of Time Management Disposition
TANG Hai-be;XU Hui
A Study on the Emotion and Quality of Life of the Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients and Their Families
lou yuan ju ; yang li jun ; song xi jun ; li zi rong ; wang pu zhang ; xue zhi min
The Development of Adolescent Student Burnout Inventory
wu yan ; dai xiao yang ; wen zhong zuo ; cui han qing
Autobiographical Memory in Patients with Chronic Pain and Depression
LIU Xian-hua;YAO Shu-qiao;ZHAO Wei-feng;YANG Wen-hui;TAN Fu-rong
Primary Native Assessment of International Affective Picture System in Chinese 10-12 years Children
DING Jun;SU Lin-yan;GAO Xue-bing;MA Jing;FENG Zhe;WEN Hui
Process and Effect of University Students\' Group Sandplay Therapy
ZHANG Wen;LIU Ya-yin;ZHANG Ri-sheng
Revision of Psychological Security-insecurity Questionnaire in Junior Middle School Students
CAO Zhong-ping;HUANG Yue-sheng;YANG Yuan-hua
Application of Chinese Version of the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale in a Sample of Chinese Adolescents
CAI Lin;ZHU Xiong-zhao;PENG Su-fang;ZHONG Ming-jie;ZHANG Sheng
Influence of Emotional Categorization on Liking Rating
LIU Hong-yan;HU Zhi-guo;PENG Dan-ling
Relationship Between Social Support,Well-being Source and Subjective Well-beiag of City Teachers
YE Yiag-hua;YANG Xian-ping;LUO Fang
Ego Identity Development and Its\' Relation to Emotional Adjustment in College Students
WANG Shu-qing;SHI Meng;CHEN Hui-chang