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Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
2008 Issue 6
Relationship Between Personality Disorder and Attachment
YANG Hong-jun;TAN Xin;CHU yan-min;LIU Qin;LIU Li;ZHOU Shi-jie
Correlation Between Symptomatic Level of Personality Disorders and Family Environment of College Students
LING Hui;ZHANG Jian-ren;Li Jun-liang
Personality Disorders and Early Attachment of College Students
ZHOU Qiu-rong;LING Hui
Facial Expression Discrimination of Autism Spectum Disorder
GU Li-ping;JING Jin;JIN Yu;ZHOU Xiao-bing;TANG Chun
A Comparison of Parental Rearing Pattern and Family Adaptability and Cohesion of ADHD with or Without ODD
ZHANG Yue-bing;LUO Xue-rong;GUAN Bing-qing;YUAN Xiu-hong
Analysis on Personality Characteristics of Heroin Addicts and Relation to Initial Drug Use Age
CHEN Xuan-xuan;CHEN Han-hui;DU Jiang;FAN Cheng-lu;ZHAO Min
Effect of Group Assertiveness Training on University Students' Assertive Competence
ZHOU Si-li;HOU Zhi-jin;BAI Ru
Psychology Intervention in Learning Disbilities of Primary School Students
ZHAO Xing-fu;CHENG Zao-huo;YANG Bi-xiu
Personality Orientation, Anxiety Trait and General Self-efficacy of Anxiety Disorders
CAO Su-xia;LI Heng-fen;ZHANG Yong
Searching for Threat: Selective Attention of Negative Emotional Pictures
HAO Fang;YU Guo-liang
The Effects of Familiarity and Similarity on the Interpersonal Attraction
ZUO Bin;GAO Qian
Implicit Effect of the AIDS' Stigmatization: Conception or Symptom?
WANG Pei;LI Jian-sheng;SUN Lian-rong
Structure Analysis of Young University Teachers' Occupational Stressors
LI Guang-ming;SHEN Qi-yun;YANG Lin;ZHANG Min-qiang
Applicability of Test Anxiety Scale in High School Students in Beijing
SONG Fei;ZHANG Jian-xin
Development of A Secondary School Teacher's Job Satisfaction Scale by SEM
HUANG Gui-mei;HUANG Dan-mei;ZHANG Min-qiang
Research on Reliability and Validity of Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-student
FANG Lai-tan;SHI Kan;ZHANG Feng-hua
Development of A Constuctive Thinking Scale for Pupils
LIU Jun-sheng;ZHOU Ying
Development of Workaholism Questionnaire in IT Employee
WANG Ming-hui;LIANG Yun-fang;LI Zong-bo
Development of White-collar Mental Health Scale
DENG Li-feng;ZHENG Ri-chang
Development of Parental Punishment Style Questionnaire
LI Fang;HE Wei
A Preliminary Study on Self-constructionals Scales (SCS)of Chinese-Version
WANG Yu-hao;YUAN Qing-hua;XU Qin-mei
Development of A Middle School Students' Shame Scale
QI Sheng-hua;ZHANG Tong;LI Fan-rong;LI Zhi-wei
Developing A Paper-and-pencil Test for Motion Stability
ZHANG Yue-juan;WANG Jin-li;DONG Ping
The Investigation of Mental State in Victims of Wen-chuan Earthquake
LUO Xing-wei;GAO Xue-ping;CAI Tai-sheng;CHEN Jin-dong
Classification of Social Adjustment for Adolescents
LI Xiao-wei;ZOU Hong;QU Ke-jia
Correlations Between Type D Personality and Biological Risk Factors
FANG Jian-qun;YAO Shu-qiao;XING Xiu-hong;ZHANG Xue-ping
Subjective Well-being and Influential Factors of Retired Elders
LI You-sui;ZHAO Ying;ZHANG Yan
A Research on the Stress and Coping Style of the Migrant Laborers' Children in City Junior Middle Schools
Qu Wei-guo;ZHONG Yi-ping;YAN Liang-shi;YANG Si
The Study on the Effort-Reward Imbalance Model of Job Burnout Among Nurses
CHU Yan-min;LIU Li;LIU Qin;YANG Yi-min;YANG Hong-jun
Differences Between Chinese and American Criminal's Thinking Styles
ZHU Hai-yan;SONG Zhi-yi;SONG Xing