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Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
2008 Issue 5
The Relationship of College Students' Burnout with Coping Styles and Affect
WEI Ping;TANG Hai-bo;SONG Bao-ping
A Review of the Relationship Between Social Support and Attachment
TANG Hai-bo;PU Wei-dan;YAO Shu-qiao
Group Intervention Effect on Serf-conception of Obesity Children
SHAN Jia-yin;XU Guang-xing;PU Xiao-di;GU Da-hua
Mechanism of Occupational Stress on Job Burnout of Primary and Middle School Teachers
LIU Xiao-ming;WANG Li-rong;JIN Hong-zhang;QIN Hong-fang
A Study of Self-Concept of ADHD with and Without Oppositional Defiant Disorder
XIONG Jin-lin;LUO Xue-rong;GUAN Bing-qing;YUAN Xiu-hong;WEI Qin;YE Hai-sen;NI Zhi-jun
A Study of Personality Trait and Coping Style in Patients with Somatization Disorder
ZHANG Zhao-hui;CHEN Zuo-ming;SONG Jing-gui
Association Between Adult Male Severe Intra-familial Physical Violence and Childhood Abuse
LIU Na;ZHANG Ya-lin;HUANG Guo-ping;ZHANG Yong
Neuropsychological Research of Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment
CHENG Zao-huo;CAI De-liang;WANG Zhi-qiang;LI Ping;ZHOU Xiao-qin
Physiological and Functional Brain Imaging Studies of Emotion Regulation
HU Zhi-guo;LIU Hong-yan
Physiological Influence in Vision Perception Tests with Different Color Background
HOU Yan-hong;ZHANG Lin;MIAO Dan-min
Serf-reference Effect and Insight in Schizophrenia Patients
JIA Hong-xiao;ZHU Hong;HAN Shi-hui;ZHANG ji-zhi;SUI Jie;MAO Li-hua;ZHU Ying
GKT Laboratory Research with the Mock——crime Paradigm
FU Gen-yue;MA Yan;DING Xiao-pan
Development of Support of Military Environment Scale for Soliders in Chinese People's Armed Police Forces
HE Jun-ping;LOU Ben-xin;XU Ai-ping;JI Yu
The Development of Job Self-efficacy of Counselors in Colleges and Universities
CAO Ke-yan;CHEN Guo-liang
Development of Subject Interest Scale for Art College Students
CAI Tai-sheng;YANG Xi-zhou
Development and Evaluation of the Drug Abstainers' Refraining Serf-confidence Scale
HE Qian;WANG Ying;FENG Yan;WANG Zeng-zhen
Revision of Self-Control Scale for Chinese College Students
TAN Shu-hua;GUO Yong-yu
A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Brain Structure in Patients with First Episode of Major Depression
LIU Jun;TANG Yan-qing;CHEN Hong-xian;ZHOU Shun-ke;XIAO En-hua;HE Zhong;ZIE Guang-rong
A Comparative Study of Pictures and Words in Subliminal Affective Priming Effect
LI Lan;HUANG Liu-shuang;XIAO Li-hui;ZHOU Ping
Effects of Different Stresses on Hippocampal Monoamine Level in Rat Under Simulated High-altitude Hypobaric Hypoxia
MA Wen-tao;DENG Zi-he;YANG Lai-qi;HE Ming;WU Xing-qu;ZHANG Yan;ZHANG Jian-xia
Influence of Familiarity on Stereotype
WEN Fang-fang;ZUO Bin
A Study on the Effect of Gum Chewing on Attention
ZHANG Hou-can;LI Hong-yi
Development of Single-subject Chinese and Mathematics Achievement Tests for Grade 7-9
FAN Xiao-ling;YAN Chun-ping;CAI Cai-xia;LIANG Juan
Structure and Measurement of Stress Coping Personality
CHEN Jian-wen;WANG Tao;GUO Nan
Development of Social Support Scale for University Students
YE Yue-mei;DAI Xiao-yang