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Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
2007 Issue 5
A Study of Personalities of Physical Domestic Violence on Male Perpetrators
zhao xing fu ; zhang ya lin ; fu wen qing ; li long fei ; zhou yun fei ; li he zhan ; yuan guo zuo
Emotion Regulation Style of Juvenile Delinquents
CAO Hui;GUAN Mei-lin;ZHANG Jian-xin
A Study of Inpatients' Expectation of Hospital Service Qualities
WANG Yu-lin;XIAO Shui-yuan;LI Ling-jiang;SHEN Ruo-ling
Relation Between Self-handicapping of Junior Students and Their Attribution
CUI Na;LIU Yun-yan;ZHANG Guo-zhong;ZHENG Shu-hai
Application of Psychological Intervention Evaluated by Symptom Checklist 90 on Women Accepting Artificial Abortion
zhang ya nan ; yu jin jin ; li jin ping ; xie wei ying ; lu ying hua ; wang ai ping
Influence of Cognition Attitude on Test Anxiety in College Students
ZHAO Jing-bo;XU Jin;XIE Ya-ning
Parenting Style of Parents of Uygur's and Han's Adolescents
YIN Wen-juan;JING Cheng-hong;SHI Jian-nong
Analysis on Rorschach Inkblot Test in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ZHONG Shi-biao;JING Jin;WANG Ling-hua;YIN Qing-yun
Cognitive Function in Chronic Schizophrenic Patients with Tardive Dyskinesia
hu wei hong ; jiang kai da ; chen hong fang ; ding hui rong
A Comparative Study of Cognitive Dysfunction in Refractory Obsessive-compulsive Disorder and Non-refractory Obsessive-compulsive Disorder
zhou yun fei ; hu ji ze ; zhang ya lin ; liu tie bang ; liu mei ; zhao xing fu ; zuo xiao hua ; yu chang hong
A Summary of Child Abuse in China
YANG Shi-chang;DU Ai-ling;ZHANG Ya-lin
Childhood Traumas and Life Events of Counselors
WANG Xiang-ling;GAO Win-bin
A Study of Psychological Education on Anxiety and Depression of University Students
zou zuo rong ; wang ; zhang jing xuan ; liu lan fen ; qiu hui min ; liu jin tong
Chinese People's Life Satisfaction and Mental Health in Different Periods
ZHOU Ming-jie;ZHANG Jian-xin
Theoretic Framework of Neural Methods of Positive/negative Emotional Parallel
WU Da-xing;YAO Shu-qiao
A Review of Functional Imaging in Nicotine Dependence
ZHOU Xu-hui;WANG Xu-yi;HAO Wei
Changes in Volume of Gray Matter of Depressed Woman Patients
LI Li;DING Ni;XUE Feng;MEI Lei-lei;DONG Qi
The Influences of Job Character on the Job Burnout among College Counselors
HE Chun-sheng;FAN Xing-hua
Quality of Life in Caregivers of Patients with Breast Cancer and Analysis of the Related Factors
YANG Xiu-mu;LI Na;LIU Fa-hu;SONG Li-ping;LI De-qun
Core Self-evaluations and Relationship Between Motivational Factors and Mental Health of the Unemployed
XIE Yi-zhong;SHI Kan;SONG Zhao-li;NIU Xion-ying
The Affection of Life Events and Coping Styles on Left Children's Mental Health
HU Xin-yi;LIU Xia;SHEN Ji-liang;FAN Xing-hua
The Characters of Infant - fosterer Attachment in Young Autistic Children
deng hong zhu ; zou xiao bing ; jin yu ; tang chun ; li jian ying ; zuo chao qun ; zou yuan yuan
Deactivation Network of Parametric Digit n-back Working Memory Task in Normal Subjects: An fMRI Study
YANG Gui-fen;ZHANG Yun-ting;ZHANG Quan;ZHANG Jin;LI Wei
Development of Group Personality Projection Test for Adolescents
GUO Hong-qin;LUO De-ming;FU Gen-yue
Preliminary Development of Academic Skill Diagnostic Test
CHENG Zao-huo;TAO Jin-hua;LIU Xin-min;YUAN Guo-zhen
Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Chinese
zou tao ; yao shu qiao ; zhu xiong zhao ;john r.z.abela;randy p.auerbach
Developing an Internet Behavior Questionnaire for Adolescents
ZHOU Shi-jie;TANG Zhi-hong;PENG Yang
Revise the Love Attitude Scale in Chinese Students by IRT
CAO Hui;SHI Zhan-biao;ZHANG Jian-xin
A Comparison of Validity of Interpersonal Perception Scale with MMPI in Group Screening of Mental Disorder
wang jin li ; zhang yue juan ; liu xing tai ; zhang feng ; wang quan cheng