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Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
2007 Issue 4
Anxiety and It's Related Factors of Pupils in Mudanjiang City
PENG Juan;SONG Yan;YU Shou-cheng
Several Commonly Used Executive Function Tests in Depression
YANG Hong-jun;ZHOU Shi-jie
Relationship of Life Events and Internet Use in Junior High School Students
MA Li-yan;HOU Chuan-hui;LEI Li
Researches about Regret in Psychology
A Review on Doctors' Occupational Stress
LIANG Hai-xia;DAI Xiao-yang
Review of Research on Emotional Labor
LI Hong-ju;XU Yan;ZHANG Hong-yu
Relationships Between Personality, Self-esteem and Mental Health in Armyman Serving at Aviation
FENG Xian-gang;ZHANG Xiao-yuan;XIE Ya-ning
Relationship Among College Students ' Life Events, Coping Styles and Subjective Well-being
LUO Wei;SUN Ya-na;WANG Bin
Use of Qualitative Research in Clinical Psychology
ZHOU Ming-jie;ZHANG Jian-xin
Effects of Self-interest on Attitude During High Personal Involvement
LU Dan-lei;WANG Wen-zhong;HU Yu-han;LUO Yue-jia;QU Ru-jie
Dispositional Optimism Questionnaire: Development, Reliability, and Validity
WU Yu-chen;YANG Li;LIANG Bao-yong
Revision of Adolescent Attachment Inventory
LIU Xi;ZHANG Jian-xin
Factor Structure of WAIS-Ⅲ Chinese Version in Nonclinical and Schizophrenia Sample of China
CHEN Huan;YAO Shu-qiao;JIANG Li;HUANG Yan-ke
Compilation of Perfectionism Scale for Chinese adolescents
LI Jian-wei;SONG Guang-wen;LI Fei
Executive Function and Cognitive Subprocesses in Deficit and Nondeficit Schizophrenia-An Analysis of N-Back Performance
WANG Xiang;YAO Shu-qiao;LIU Ding;CHEN Bin;WANG Xiao-yan
Speed-accuracy Trade-off Effect on Children's Visual Search
LIU Tong-ran;SHI Jian-nong
The Effect of Different Attention Shift Patterns on IOR
CHAO Qiu-ling;BAI Xue-jun;SHEN De-li;XU Fu-ming
Visit Population Analysis of Psychological Clinic in Capital Area
wang li ying ; li xiao hong ; lin tao ; shen dong yu ; huang jian jun ; wang zuo ; yang yun ping
Impact of Psychological Intervention on Quality of Life in Patients with Cancer
XU Shun-lin;REN Xiao-hong
Characters of Calls to a Public Hotline from 1995 to 2005 in Shenzhen
SUI Shuang-ge;YUAN Xiao-fei;LI Jing;ZHEN Shao-zhong;XING Yan;LI Ling-jiang
Needs Characteristics and Personality Characteristics of Counselors
WANG Xiang-ling;GAO Win-bin
Models of Eating Disorder Prevention
CHEN Rui;CHEN Hong;YANG Xiao-ying
A Study on Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Psychosocial Factors in Prison Police Officers
GUAN Nian-hong;HU San-hong;WANG Ji-hui;ZHANG Jin-bei;WANG Xu-dong
Relationship of Police's Job Burnout with Correlative Influencing Factors
WANG Cheng-yi;WANG Lin-song;LIU Qi;CHENG Liang
Quality of Life Change in the Patients with Simple Vitreous Hemorrhage After Vitrectomy
Medical Students' Evaluation of Occupational Reputation of Medical Doctors
ZHANG Jin-qiang;XIAO Shui-yuan;CAI Tai-sheng
Personal Relationships in School and Their Correlational Factors of Migrated Laborers' Children
CHENG Li;GAO Wen-bin;OU Yun;LIU Zheng-kui;WANG Wen-zhong
Self-concept and Parenting Styles in Adolescents
Impacts of Sex, Gender Role on Undergraduates' Gender Belief
WANG Zhong-hui;LIU Jun-xiang