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Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
2000 Issue 2
The Chinese Norm and Factor Analysis of PANSS
HE Yanlin;ZHANG Mingyuan
The Subjective Well-being of the Elderly and Its Influential Factors
LIU Rengang;Shenzhen
An Analysis of Seven-axial Diagnosis for Schizophrenic Patients
xiao chun ling ; chen yan fang ; wei jun mei ; jiang yong hua ; liu bing wen
The Relationship between Adolescents' Attributional Style and Parenting
li xu ; qian ming zuo
Validity and Reliability of Chinese Version of Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale
wang hua li ; shu liang ; si tian mei ; tian cheng hua ; zhang hong yan
Psychological Stress and Glycemic Metabolism in NIDDM
wang li ; xue zhi min ; yao shu qiao ; dai xiao yang ; zhou zhi guang ; mao ji ping
Personality Characteristics of the Male Prisoners
yuan yu hua ; yang xiao ling ; pan yong ; xiao lin lin ; yao jia bin ; li zhao min
Relationships among Stressors, Cognition and Depression
chen shu lin ; zheng quan quan
The Investigation on States of Goiter Degree and Intelligent Level in Children of Light-Iodine-Deficient Area
gong jian nan ; chen fu guang ; jiang zhi wu ; chen min ; guo xue fei
A Comparative Study on Mental Health Status of Student Cadres
yang ji ping ; ma hui xia ; sun xiu chun
A Comparing Study between Draw-A-Person Test and C-WISC
zheng li xin ; cheng xin ning ; wu zong wen
The Construct Validity of the Vocational Interest Inventory
liu shao wen ; gong yao xian
Anxiety and Depression in Pregnant Women
pan ji yang ; wang hou liang ; li xiao mao ; zhao geng yuan ; zhang jin zuo ; mai ci ren ; lei zhuo ran
The Effect of Type A Behavior on Infarct Size and Short Term Prognosis of First Infarction
xia da sheng ; hu sui zuo ; liu shu kun ; guo zuo yu
The Application of Life Quality Evaluation in Leukemia Patients
The Effect of Sensory Integrative Therapy on Cognitive Function Improvement in Children
REN Guiying;WANG Yufeng;GU Bomei
A Report about a Man with Insomnia Treated with Psychoanalysis
MENG Xianzhang
The Application of Drugs in Psychotherapy
TANG Qiuping;DENG Yunlong