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Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
2006 Issue 2
Building's Roof Extraction by Fusing High-Resolution SAR with Optical Images
ZHU Jun-Jie;FAN Xiang-Tao;SHAO Yun
Research of MPEG-7 Scalable Color Descriptor
LI Zhi-Quan;LI Jian-Hui;YAN Bao-Ping
An Unified Framework Supporting Multiple Security Policy Models to Secure Linux
YUAN Chun-Yang;SHI Wen-Chang;LIANG Hong-Liang;WU Yan-Jun;SHANG Qing-Hua
Cryptanalysis of a Blind Proxy Signature Scheme
CAO Zheng-Jun;LIU Mu-Lan
Method of Artificial Neural Network for Shimming of NMR Magnet
JIAO Wei-Wei;DONG Zeng-Ren;SUN Wei;LIU Wei
Nonlinear Rectification Method of Platinum Resistance by BP Neural Network
DU Fu-Jia;WANG Da-Xing
SAR Image Denosing Based on Wavelet-Domain Gaussian-Cauchy Mixture Model
ZHANG Jun-Bao;SONG Hong-Jun
A Lossless Information Hiding Method Based on Video
GUO Zhi-Chuan;CHENG Yi-Min;WANG Yi-Xiao;XIE Yu-Ming
Studies on Inverse Opal and Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Photonic Crystals
NI Pei-Gen;CHENG Bing-Ying;ZHANG Dao-Zhong
Azimuth Compression of Space-Borne SAR Based on FPGAs
ZHENG Xiao-Shuang;YU Wei-Dong
A New Security Analysis for XOR Message Authentication Code
WANG Da-Yin;LIN Dong-Dai;WU Wen-ling;JIANG Zhong-Hua
Generating Orthomorphisms Bit by Bit
XU Hai-Bo;LIU Hai-Jiao;JING Ji-Wu;DU Jiao
Baoqing County of Sanjiang Plain Land Use Change TuPu Analysis
KUANG Wen-Hui;ZHANG Shu-Wen;HOU Wei;ZHANG Yang-Zhen
A Simulation Study of Tropospheric Ozone over Europe with MOZART-2
LIU Qian-Xia;WANG Bin;ZHANG Mei-Gen