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Journal of University of Science and Technology of China
2004 Issue z1
Research and Application of Oil-Gas Well Three Term Equation
tang hong jun ; tang zuo
Theoretical Study and Analysis on the Character of Porous Flow in Low Permeability Reservoir
liu xian gui ; yang tie jun ; zhang ying zhi ; yang zheng ming ; zhang xun hua
The Permeability and Inertial Parameter in Two-Dimensional Percolation Porous Media
liu zhi feng ; wang xiao hong ; liu zheng feng
Characteristic Parameter Description Approach and Its Application in the Heterogeneous Porous Media
chen hui xin ; liu yue wu ; gong xin ; zhang da wei
An Application Study on a Large Scale Parallel Simulation of Western Block 7 in Gudong Oilfield
yang yao zhong ; cao jian wen ; dai tao ; pan feng ; han zi chen
Study on Seepage Field During Injection Well Releasing Pressure and Its Effect on Casing Damage
liu jian jun ; yang chun he ; yin zhong min
S3 Connected Solution of Artesian-unconfined Filtration Problem
cheng jun ming ; liu shu ping
A Study on the Mechnism of Coal-Gas Burst in Deep Mining
liang bing ; li feng yi
Two Phase Percolation Well Testing Analytical Method for Coalbed Gas Production
zhang dong li ; liu xian gui ; liu ci qun
Calculation of Long Row Wells With Double-Columns in Alternate Arrangement
ge xiao chun ; zhou shan
Triple Media Model for Karst-Fault-Fissure Rock Mass
jiang zuo zuo ; shen zhen zhong ; guo na ; ji wei ; zhao jian
Permeability of Noncohesive Soils Considering Washout of Fine Grains
liu zhong yu ; wei jian dong
Effect of Rock Compressibility on Welltest Interpretation
li chuan liang ; chen xiao fan ; du zhi min
A Principle Research on Sand Denudation and Fluid Flow in the Formation of Deformation Media
wang zheng mao ; li zhi ping ; li yun
Research on the Damage Mechanism of Low Permeability Gas Reservoir Fracturing
xiong wei ; gao shu sheng ; long hua ; gao hui jun
Analysis of Damage Characteristics for Low-permeability Gas Reservoir
zheng wei shi ; liu yi fei
The Research of Mathematics Model for Building Underground Gas Storage in Salt Caverns
zhao zhi cheng ; zhu wei yao ; dan wen wen
Applications Fractal Theory to Flow Analysis of Fluids in Porous Media
tong deng ke ; wang yong hong
The Present Status and Developing Trend of Investigation on Mechanism of Proppant Flowback
wang xiang ; liu xian gui ; dan wen wen
Seepage Computation for Piping and Slope Sliding
mao zuo xi
Calculation of Mine Drainage Yield in Low Permeability Aquifer
xu guang ming ; zhang yan jun
Prediction of Permeability of Porous Media by Fractal-Monte Carlo Technique
yu bo ming ; zou ming qing ; ma yong ting ; lei ya jie
Experimental Study on Parameter of Unsaturated Water Move in Soil About Linhuaigang Clay
zhan mei li ; yan fei ; su bao yu
Seepage Analysis for Infiltration and Evaporation Phenomenon
xu qian jun ; cao xian feng
Characteristics of Permeability and Porosity of Low Permeability Porous Media Under Formation Conditions
deng ying er ; huang run qiu ; liu ci qun
An Elementary Theory Research of Hydraulic Fracture in Rock Mass
xie xing hua ; su bao yu ; zhu ru xiong
Horizontal Aquifer Movement Caused by Pumping Ground Water From Theis-Thiem Confined System
wang qing liang ; ran xing long ; chen zhi xin ; wang wen ping
Mathematical Model for Reservoir Numerical Inverse
zuo zhong liang ; li yue
A Study on Migration Law of Microbes
zhang xun hua ; yang zheng ming ; liu xian gui
Laboratory Study on Oil Recovery of Effect Factories in MEOR
huang li xin ; wu qing hong ; yu li ; liu li
Prediction Model on Production Depletion of Huff-puff Well and Its Application
yang zheng ming ; cui bao wen ; liu xian gui ; zhang xun hua
A Study on Gelation of Colloidal Dispersion Gel and Its Flow Behavior in Sand Packs
liu wei dong ; zheng de wen ; xiao han min ; liu fu hai ; yao tong yu
Research of Profile Radius Effect on Profile Control by Flowing Gel
zhao min ; zhou wan fu ; li li
Designing the Optimal Radius of Sandstone Acidification
zhou wan fu ; zhao min ; yang bao quan
A Study on Weak Gel in Low Permeability Reservoirs With Fracture
zhang ying zhi ; yang tie jun ; yang zheng ming ; zhang xun hua ; zhu wei yao
A Study on the Removable Condition for Very Low Permeable Formations
meng shu guang ; zhao guo zhong ; yin zhi lin ; xu yun long
The Activation Dynamics Research of Low Permeability Reservoir
jia zhen zuo ; wu jing chun ; cui wan jun
Two Methods for Solving Model of Rate Decline for Underground Flow
deng ying er ; liu ci qun ; guo da hao
Study on Fractal Dimensions of Sandstone Reservoir Rock Samples Pore Structure
tang hong zuo ; tang ren zuo
Simulation Performation Length Under Formation Condition
lu de tang ; wang lei ; xu xian zhi ; jiang kai jun
Simulation for the Productivity of Hydraulically Fractured Well
liu zhen yu ; zheng xian bao ; zhang ying an
Pressure Computing of Fracture Well Using Meshless Method
zeng qing hong ; lu de tang ; xu xian zhi ; kong xiang yan
Calculating Well Bore Hole Pressure of Intermittent Production Oil Well
lu de tang ; huang feng ; cha wen shu ; jiang kai jun
Numerical Test Well Mesh Generation by Using Exploration Data
lu de tang ; chen yong hui ; huang feng
Thermal Recovery Numerical Model Coupling Flow in Reservoir With Various-Mass-Rate Flow in Horizontal Wellbore
wu shu hong ; shen de huang ; li chun tao ; li xiao ling ; zhang rui ; liu xiang zuo ; guo shang ping
An ASP Combined Flooding Mathematical Model Considering Emulsification Mechanism
li xing min ; yang sheng lai ; lang zhao xin
Percolation of Polymer Solution in Reservoir
zhang li juan ; yue xiang an
The Experiments and Analysis of Seepage Flow in Low Permeability Sandrocks
wang en zhi ; han xiao mei ; ke wen hu
Experimental Study on the Instability of the Landslides During the Reservoir Water Level Changing
liu yue wu ; gong xin ; zhang da wei ; chen hui xin
Study on the Effective Stress in Unsaturated Porous Media
li pei chao ; xu xian zhi ; kong xiang yan
Experimental Study on the Relationship Between Coal's Permeability and Strain
gao hong mei ; liang bing ; lan yong wei
Seepage Law Research of Coal Bed Methane Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technique
tang ju peng ; pan yi shan ; li cheng quan
The Percolation in Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Systems
yang ming li ; xian xue fu ; xiong de guo ; xu long jun
Mathematic Model of Porous Gas Diffusion Electrode Considerations in Three-Phase Boundary Shape
xu xian zhi ; zhu mei ; su run ; xu you sheng ; lu de tang ; kong xiang yan
Numerical Simulation of Landfill Gas Migration and Slippage and Release Coupled Model
xue qiang ; liang bing ; liu jian jun
Dynamic Behavior of Water-Air Two-Phase Flow in Porous Medium
liu xiao li ; liang bing ; li hong yan
Analysis of Coal Gangue Leakage on the Process of Groundwater Pollution
bai guo liang ; liang bing
Research on Percolation Characteristic and Remaining Oil Distribution in the Waterflooding of Thick Oil-Bearing Reservoir in Chengdong Oilfield
sun ye heng ; wang cheng feng ; wang yong ; zhao shu ping ; chai an qing
An Experimental Study on Organic Plugging of Yong 8 Fault Block in Dongxin Oil Field
li zhao min ; li bin fei ; wang yuan ; guo jing ; zhao ming ; wang qing
Flood Development Technique in No.301 Bei Section of Hailaer Oil Field
cao wei zheng ; li jian min
Investigation of the Deformation in the Development of Deformable Porous Medium Gas Reservoir
song yan bo ; li zhi ping ; he guang huai
Calculation of Transient Pressure for Partial Open Vertical Fracture Gas Wells
lu de tang ; huang feng ; xu xian zhi ; jiang kai jun
Electrical Simulation of the Percolation Structure of Porous Media
li ping jiang ; yang zheng hong ; shi mei lun
Dynamic Behavior of the Percolation Structure of Porous Media
he hong zhu ; shi mei lun
The Influence of Defect Speegae Control Measures on Contamination Control
xue hong qin ; su bao yu
Analysis of Wall Boundary Effect on Flows in Porous Media
jiang jin liang
The Coupled Mathematical Model of the Heat-Fluid-Solid in Porous Media With Phase Change
shi zhi liang ; zhu wei yao ; dan wen wen
A Reservoir Fluid-Solid-Heat Coupling Model and Its Application
wang zi ming ; du zhi min ; song wen jie ; yang xin hua ; huang chuan
The Analysis of Non-isothermal Gas-Solid Coupled Model With Finite Element Method
li hong yan ; liang bing