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Science in China(Physics Astronomy)
2008 Issue 1
Information for Authors
Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of film morphologies at the initial stages
ZHENG XiaoPing;ZHANG PeiFeng;HE DeYan;LI Lian
A scheme to realize time-bin entanglement between two photons that never interacted
LU Shan;BAO XiaoHui;YANG Tao
Bang-bang control suppression of amplitude damping in a three-level atom
CAO WanCang;LIU XiaoShu;BAI HongBo;LONG GuiLu
Production and measurement of Bose-Einstein condensate of 87Rb atomic gas
Quantum entanglement and quantum operation
YE MingYong;ZHANG YongSheng;GUO GuangCan
Special magnetic phenomena in heavily doped La0.7-xDyxSr0.3MnO3 system
LIU Ning;YAN GuoQing;CAI ZhiRang;PI Li;ZHANG Bei;TONG Wei
X-ray spectra induced by 129Xeq+ impacting the metal surface
ZHANG XiaoAn;XIAO GuoQing;YANG ZhiHu;CHEN XiMeng;ZHAO YongTao;LI FuLi;WANG Li;CUI Ying;ZHANG HongQiang;ZHAN WenLong
Sound scattering at fluid-fluid rough surface
YU GaoKun;PENG LinHui
Sound speed in bubble film of ship wakes
ZHANG JianSheng;LIN ShuYu;LIU Peng;MIAO RunCai;YANG WanMin