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Science in China(Mathematics)
2007 Issue 3
Construct non-graded bi-Frobenius algebras via quivers
Yan-hua WANG;Xiao-wu CHEN
Information for authors
Some basic inequalities in higher dimensional non-Euclid space
Ding-hua YANG
Burgers-Korteweg-de Vries equation and its traveling solitary waves
Zhao-sheng FENG;Qing-guo MENG
On pattern formation in the Gray-Scott model
Rui PENG;Ming-xin WANG
Sliding of self-similar sets
Li-feng XI;Huo-jun RUAN;Qiu-li GUO
The Willmore functional and the containment problem in R4
Jia-zu ZHOU
Division and k-th root theorems for Q-manifolds
Taras BANAKH;Du(s)an REPOV(S)
On quasi-similarity of subnormal operators
Zhi-jian QIU