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Science in China(Mathematics)
2006 Issue 9
The minimal genus problem in rational surfaces CP2#n-CP2
ZHAO Xu'an;GAO Hongzhu;QIU Huaidong
On the stability of diffusion processes with state-dependent switching
XI Fubao;ZHAO Liqin
Parametric estimation of discretely sampled Gamma-OU processes
ZHANG Shibin;ZHANG Xinsheng;SUN Shuguang
Testing heteroscedasticity by wavelets in a nonparametric regression model
LI Yuan;WONG Heung;IP Waicheung
The K(a)hler-Einstein metric for some Hartogs domains over symmetric domains
WANG An;YIN Weiping;ZHANG Liyou;ROOS Guy
Repelling periodic points of given periods of rational functions
CHANG Jianming;FANG Mingliang
A conjecture of Abe-Iiyori and the Ree groups 2F4(q),Ⅱ
XU Mingchun
On solving equations of algebraic sum of equal powers
WANG Xinghua;YANG Shijun