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Science in China(Mathematics)
2006 Issue 7
Strong convergence results for hemivariational inequalities
LIU Zhenhai;ZOU Jiezhong
The generalized solution of ill-posed boundary problem
CAO Weiping;MA Jipu
Weak martingale Hardy spaces and weak atomic decompositions
HOU Youliang;REN Yanbo
Plateau of α-function and c-minimal homoclinic orbits
LI Xia;CUI Xiaojun
P4κ-1-factorization of bipartite multigraphs
WANG Jian;DU Beiliang
Successive projection method for solving the unbalanced Procrustes problem
ZHANG Zhenyue;DU Keqin
Area operator on Bergman spaces
WU Zhijian
Isomorphisms of fiber spaces over Teichmüller spaces
HU Yun;SHEN Yuliang
Approximate solutions to infinite dimensional LQ problems over infinite time horizon
PAN Liping;ZHANG Xu;CHEN Qihong