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Science in China(Mathematics)
2006 Issue 6
Lp-decay rates to nonlinear diffusion waves for p-system with nonlinear damping
ZHU Changjiang;JIANG Mina
Asymptotic behavior of the solutions of the p-Laplacian equation
ZHANG Liqin;ZHAO Junning
Linear EV model with replicate observations on independent variables
LIU Jixue;ZHANG Sanguo;CHEN Xiru
Boundedness of Marcinkiewicz integrals and their commutators in H1(Rn×Rm)
YANG Dachun;ZHOU Yuan
Optimization problems of the third edge-connectivity of graphs
WANG Yingqian
Certain free products of operator spaces
GAO Mingchu
Completely regular paracompact reflection of locales
HE Wei;LUO Maokang
Toeplitz operators on connected domains
CAO Guangfu
Some projectively flat(α,β)-metrics
SHEN Yibing;ZHAO Lili