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Science in China(Mathematics)
2005 Issue z1
Bergman kernel function on the third Hua Construction
Zhang Wenjuan
Information for Authors
Horizontal (-δ)-Laplacian on complex Finsler manifolds
ZHONG Chunping;ZHONG Tongde
The computations of Einstein-K(a)hler metric of Cartan-Hartogs domain
YIN Xiaolan;Zhao Xiaoxia
Extremal problems on the Hua domain of the first type
Su Jianbing;YIN Weiping
Almansi decomposition for Dunkl operators
Ren Guangbin
Randomization of Qp spaces on the unit ball of Cn
LI Bo;Ouyang Caiheng
P-twisted affine Lie algebra and its realizations by twisted vertex operators
LU Keping;CHU Yanjun;ZHENG Zhujun;DONG Wenfeng
Composition operators between Bloch-type spaces in the polydisc
HU Zhangjian
Examples of unbounded homogeneous domains in complex space
Michael Eastwood;Alexander Isaev
On uniform estimate in Calabi-Yau theorem
Zbigniew Btocki
Ritt's theorem and the Heins map in hyperbolic complex manifolds
Marco Abate;Filippo Bracci
Weighted Bergman kernels and virtual Bergman kernels
Guy Roos
Geometric aspects of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces
Liu Kefeng;SUN Xiaofeng;Shing-Tung Yau
Multiplier ideal sheaves in complex and algebraic geometry
Yum-Tong Siu
Weighted composition operators and locally convex algebras
Edoardo Vesentini
Complex geometry: Its brief history and its future
Shing-Tung Yau
Integral formulas and the Ohsawa-Takegoshi extension theorem
Bo Berndtsson
Immortal solution of the Ricci flow
RUAN Qihua;CHEN Zhihua
Complex geometry and real geometry
YU Yanlin;ZHU Lin;FENG Xiuhong
Transformations and non-degenerate maps
LI Baokui;WANG Yuefei
Equidistribution for meromorphic transforms and the ddc-method
Tien-Cuong Dinh;Nessim Sibony
Adiabatic paths and pseudoholomorphic curves
Armen G. Sergeev
Degeneracy of holomorphic curves in surfaces
LIU Yuancheng;RU Min
Nevanlinna theory and Diophantine approximation
Junjiro Noguchi