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Science in China(Mathematics)
2005 Issue 6
Adaptive quasi-likelihood estimate in generalized linear models
The Koppelman-Leray formula on complex Finsler manifolds
QIU Chunhui;ZHONG Tongde
Information for Authors
The restricted EM algorithm under linear inequalities in a linear model with missing data
ZHENG Shurong;Shi Ningzhong;GUO Jianhua
Construction of complete generalized algebraic groups
Wang Dengyin
Local boundary dilatation of quasiconformal maps
Branching structure of uniform recursive trees
FENG Qunqiang;SU CHUN;HU Zhishui
Comparability for ideals of regular rings
CHEN Huanyin
The number of simple modules of a cellular algebra
LI Weixia;XI Changchang
Search-extension method for finding multiple solutions of nonlinear problem
Chen Chuanmiao;Xie Ziqing