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Science in China(Mathematics)
2002 Issue 10
Microstructure of a-SiOx:H
wang yong qian ; liao xian bo ; diao hong wei ; cheng wen chao ; li guo hua ; chen chang yong ; zhang shi bin ; xu yan yue ; chen wei de ; kong guang lin
Determination for β-delayed fission probability of 230Ac
yuan shuang gui ; yang wei fan ; xu yan bing ; xiao yong hou ; luo yi xiao
Thermocapillary motion of deformable fluid particles intubes
chen jin nan
3-D network model and its parameter calibration
liu xiao yu ; liang nai gang ; li min
The electron capture of H+ ions in solid foils
yang bai fang ; zuo jing wei ; shi mian gong ; tang a you ; yang chao wen ; liu xiao dong
A new estimate of the parameters in linear mixed models
wang song gui ; yin su ju
How big are the increments of a multifractional Brownian motion?
lin zheng yan
The combinatorial construction for a class of optimal optical orthogonal codes
tang zuo ; yin jian xing
Solitary waves and their bifurcations of KdV like equation with higher order nonlinearity
tang min ying ; wang rui zuo ; jing zhu jun