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Science in China(Mathematics)
2002 Issue 1
The reflection and interference of electrons at the interface of superlattice
CHENG Xingkui;ZHOU Junming;HUANG Qi
Stabilities of asteroid orbits in resonances
ZHOU Liyong;ZHOU Jilin;SUN Yisui
An orbital motion study of globular cluster NGC6205
CHEN Li;CHEN Ding;Wang Jiaji;Zhao Junliang
The theoretical studies of piezoresistive effect in diamond films
KONG Chunyang;WANG Wanlu;Liao Kejun;MA Yong;Wang Shuxia;FANG Liang
Large-eddy-simulation of 3-dimensional Rayleigh-Taylor instability in incompressible fluids
WANG Lili;Li Jiachun;Xie Zhengtong
Fabrication of Pt deposited on carbon nanotubes and performance of its polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
Chen Junfeng;XU Cailu;MAO Zongqiang;CHEN Guiru;WEI Bingqing;LIANG Ji;WU Dehai
High harmonic generation in a two-color field composed of a pump field and a weak subsidiary high frequency field
CHEN Jing;XU Zhizhan;QU Weixing;CHEN Ya;ZENG Zhinan
Generalized expression of exergy in the thermodynamics
HAN Guangze;HUA Ben;Chen Qinglin;YIN Qinghua
The lower bound on independence number
Li Yusheng;Cecil C.ROUSSEAU;ZANG Wen'an
Sample rotation theory with missing data
Zou Guohua;Feng Shiyong;QIN Huaizhen
Quasineutral limit of a standard drift diffusion model for semiconductors
XIAO Ling;Peter A.Markowich;WANG Shu
Wild radical square zero algebras
HAN Yang
Iterated index formulae for closed geodesics with applications
LIU Chungen;LONG Yiming
Estimation in the polynomial errors-in-variables model
ZHANG Sanguo;CHEN Xiru