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China Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
2014 Issue 5
Research advances in pathogenesis and treatment of Sjgren’s syndrome
YU Chuang-qi;Department of Oral Surgery;Ninth People’s Hospital;College of Stomatology;Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology;
Construction of a three-dimensional finite element model of unilateral alveolar cleft in Beagle dogs
KANG Jia-yan;QIAN Yu-fen;HUA Cheng;Department of Orthodontics;Ninth People’s Hospital;College of Stomatology;Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology;Department of Mechanics & Engineering Science;Fudan University;
Temsirolimus, the mTOR inhibitor, induces autophagy in adenoid cystic carcinoma
LIU Wen-lei;HUANG Sheng-yun;CHEN Zhan-wei;WANG Hua-chun;WU Hai-wei;ZHANG Dong-sheng;Stomatological Hospital of Shandong University;Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Oral Biomedicine;Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery;Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University;
Comparation of the osteogenic differentiation of mouse maxillary primordium and mandibular primordium mesenchymal cells
HAN Bang-jian;LI Hai-ming;Department of Stomatology;Mudu People’s Hospital;Suzhou Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese with Western Medicine;
guo ji wen zhai
zhang ling ;
The relationship between RASSF1A expression and promoter methylation in salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma
LI Lei;XIA Rong-hui;ZHANG Chun-ye;LI Jiang;Department of Oral Pathology;Ninth People’s Hospital;College of Stomatology;Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology;
Carbamazepine withdrawal reactions after neurovascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia:the study of clinical presentation and possible etiology
CHAI Ying;CHEN Min-jie;ZHANG Wei-jie;ZHANG Wen-hao;WANG Yi-wen;WEI Wen-bin;Department of Oral Surgery;Ninth People’s Hospital;College of Stomatology;Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine;Shanghai Key Lab of Stomatology;
Expression of serum and urine EGF-like domain 7 in proliferative infantile hemangioma treated with oral propranolol
LIU Jie;LING Bin;ZHANG Jing;YING Xiao-peng;KEREMU Abass;HU Mei;LIU Hui;HU Lulu;GONG Zhong-cheng;LIN Zhao-quan;Department of Maxillofacial Surgical Oncology;the First Teaching Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University;College of Stomatology;Xinjiang Medical University;Research Institute of Stomatology;Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region;
Reconstruction of large and complex defects in oral and maxillofacial region with rib-pectoralis major myocutaneous composite flap
ZHAO Xiao-peng;WANG Jian-guang;XU Xiao-ying;YU Xin;TANG Dong-xiao;PAN Chao-bin;Department of Oral and Maxillofacial-Head and Neck Surgery;SunYat-sen Memorial Hospital;Sun Yat-sen University;Department of Anesthesiology;SunYat-sen Memorial Hospital;Sun Yat-sen University;
Use of 4 osteotomy methods by piezosurgery for removal of complicated mandibular third molar
GE Jing;YANG Chi;HE Dong-mei;ZHENG Ling-yan;HU Ying-kai;Department of Oral Surgery;Ninth People’s Hospital;College of Stomatology;Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology;
Effect of arterial embolization followed by physical ligation, electrochemical therapy and pingyangmycin injection for arteriovenous malformations of oral and maxillofacial region
XI Shan-long;XU Da-peng;CHENG Chen;SUN Hua-liang;WANG Xu-kai;Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery;School of Stomatology;China Medical University;
Double barrel vascularized free fibular flap for reconstruction of mandibular defects after tumor ablation
BAI Zhi-bao;HUANG Lei;WANG Xin-liang;SHI Hong-guang;Department of Stomatology;Guangzhou First People’s Hospital;
Topical timolol maleate 0.5% ophthalmic solution combined with propranolol in the management of infantile hemangiomas
GONG He;XU Da-peng;LI Yue-xiao;CHENG Chen;WANG Hong-wei;LI Gang;WANG Xu-kai;Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery;School of Stomatology;China Medical University;Liaoning Institute of Dental Research;
Esthetic outcome and alterations of soft tissue around single implant crown in maxilla: a one-year prospective study
SHI Jun-yu;GU Yin-xin;ZHANG Zhi-yong;LAI Hong-chang;Department of Oral Implantology;Ninth People’s Hospital;College of Stomatology;Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology;
Parameters influencing weaning outcome in postoperative patients undergoing mechanical ventilation
ZHOU Xu-hui;JIANG Hong;Department of Anaesthesiology;Ninth People’s Hospital;Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine;
The value of serum amylase in the diagnosis of juvenile recurrent parotitis
XIE Li-song;PU Yi-ping;ZHENG Ling-yan;WANG Zhi-jun;SHI Huan;YU Chuang-qi;Department of Oral Surgery;Ninth People’s Hospital;College of Stomatology;Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology;
Application of vascularized fibular flap combined with coronoid temporalis pedicle flap in the reconstruction of maxillary Class IIIb defect
YU Miao;QIN Xing-jun;LIU Jian-nan;ZHANG Chen-ping;XU Li-qun;Department of Oromaxillofacial Head and Neck Oncology;Ninth People’s Hospital;College of Stomatology;Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology;
Reconstruction of full-thickness soft tissue defects of floor of mouth by combining depressor labii inferioris flap with sternomastoid muscle flap
ZHANG Sen-lin;CAO Gang;DONG Zhen;CHEN Wei;LIU Bing-yao;MENG Zhao-ye;Department of Stomatology;Nanjing General Hospital of Nanjing Military Command;
Computed tomography imaging features of descending necrotizing mediastinitis in 26 consecutive cases
GUAN Xin;LIANG Xi;LIANG Xiang;WANG Feng;GUO Xiang;ZHOU Yao-dong;Department of Thoracic Surgery;Ninth People’s Hospital;Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine;
Clinical classification and stage of osteoradionecrosis of the mandible
TIAN Zhuo-wei;HE Yue;Department of Oromaxillofacial Head and Neck Oncology;Ninth People’s Hospital;College of Stomatology;Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology;
Transient facial nerve palsy following mandibular local infiltration anesthesia:report of one case and review of the literature
YU Li-ming;WANG Li-qin;Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery;Shanghai Stomatological Disease Center;