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Sciencepaper Online
2016 Issue 14
Frequency-space spectrum holes detection based on joint sparse compressed sensing
ZHANG Zixuan;LIU Fulai;DU Ruiyan;SUN Zhenxing;School of Computer Science and Engineering;Northeastern University;Engineering Optimization & Smart Antenna Institute;Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao;
Performance analysis of physical layer security communication system with cooperative jamming
ZHANG Luping;HU Lin;TANG Jie;DONG Weihua;ZHANG Jinling;WEN Hong;National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Communication;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;
Fast algorithms for joint resource allocation of dual connectivity in heterogeneous networks
SUN Jie;SHI Yingchun;SONG Huansheng;No.20 Research Institute;China Electronic Technology Corporation;Department of Command and Control System;National Defense Information Institute;School of Information Engineering;Chang’an University;
A collision tolerant algorithm based on orthogonal signal detection and analogy principle
ZHAO Jumin;LI Na;LI Deng’ao;ZHU Biaokai;College of Information Engineering;Taiyuan University of Technology;
Defect-tolerant cell mapping for CMOL circuits
SU Mengmeng;XIA Yinshui;CHU Zhufei;CHEN Dingheng;WANG Lunyao;School of Information Science and Engineering;Ningbo University;
Secure transmission scheme for untrusted embedded platform
XIE Xuezhi;LIU Huqiu;BAI Jiaju;WANG Yuping;School of Information Science and Technology;Tsinghua University;
Secure key distribution based on chaos synchronization utilizing privacy amplification
ZHAO Qi;WANG Longsheng;GUO Yuanyuan;WANG Yuncai;WANG Anbang;College of Physics and Optoelectronics;Taiyuan University of Technology;Key Laboratory of Advanced Transducers and Intelligent Control System of Ministry of Education;Taiyuan University of Technology;
Fault tolerance automatic conversion tool for single event effects
GAI Lulu;XU Jianjun;DENG Jinzhou;SHAO Zeming;College of Computer National University of Defense Technology;
Estimation and compensation of the ionosphere effect in SAR imaging
SU Xingyi;XING Mengdao;ZHOU Fang;SUN Guangcai;National Lab of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian University;
Design of a miniaturized 3D choke ring antenna
ZHAO Zefang;DU Ping;SHAO Yu;School of Electronic Science and Applied Physics;Hefei University of Technology;
Investigation on intensity modulation based temporal zone plate time lens
LIANG Sheng;SHENG Xinzhi;LOU Shuqin;School of Science;Beijing Jiaotong University;School of Electronic and Information Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;
Mars atmospheric entry autonomous navigation method based on sensitivity
LOU Taishan;FU Huimin;XIAO Qiang;WANG Zhihua;School of Electric and Information Engineering;Zhengzhou University of Light Industry;School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;
Cyber-physical fuzzy inference based attack detection method in smart grid
LIU Yang;FANG Yuan;SUN Hong;LIU Ting;School of Electronic and Information Engineering;Xi’an Jiaotong University;China Machinery Engineering Corporation;
Research on parallel clustering algorithm of massive data based on iterative MapReducede
GAO Jianwen;XUE Xinggui;LUO Jie;JIANG Yuan;WU Qiwu;Graduate Management Unit;Engineering University of CAPF;Department of Information Engineering;Engineering University of CAPF;
Temperature-dependent modeling and characteristics of multi-walled carbon nanotubes through-silicon via
SU Jinrong;CHEN Xue;ZHANG Wenmei;College of Physics and Electronics Engineering;Shanxi University;Department of Physics;Taiyuan Normal University;
Enhanced tags recommendation based on cooperation and competition
HE Lian;HAN Lixin;SHI Xuerong;College of Computer and Information;Hohai University;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Yancheng Teachers University;
Symmetry-based object part detection in natural images
CHENG Xiaoqing;ZHAO Kai;ZENG Dan;SHEN Wei;ZHANG Zhijiang;School of Communication and Information Engineering;Shanghai University;The Key Laboratory of Specialty Fiber Optics and Optical Access Networks;Shanghai University;
A Hessian-free optimization-based second-order latent-factor Web-service QoS prediction model
LI Yan;LUO Xin;College of Computer Science;Chongqing University;
Variable step-size LMS algorithm based on modified arctangent function
GUAN Sihai;LI Zhi;School of Electro-Mechanical Engineering;Xidian University;
Review on shingled magnetic recording disk
TAN Yujuan;LIU Tao;ZHAO Yajun;College of Computer Science;Chongqing University;
Bearing location algorithm of target based on radial basis function neural network
WANG Zihao;TIAN Jie;Key Laboratory of Military Communication;Engineering University of CAPF;
An infrared and visible image fusion method based on NSST and region growing algorithm
LUO Jie;KONG Weiwei;LIU Rui;Graduate Management Unit;Engineering University of PAP;Department of Information Engineering;Engineering University of PAP;