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Sciencepaper Online
2011 Issue 10
Large-scale diversified mobile learning technology
du hai peng ; zhang wei zhan ; zheng qing hua
GFTL: a page group mapping based energy aware flash translation layer
bai shi ; zhao peng
Modeling pronunciation variations for Chinese accented speech recognition
zhang chao ; liu zuo
Modified particle swarm optimization with dynamic performance
miao ai min ; shi xin ling ; song zhi huan
Design of model people for boxing training
liang shu li ; zhang zi ming ; shi yuan zheng ; yang ting lei ; lu wang
Improvement of AODV routing protocol based on probabilistic forwarding
jing wen li ; le hong bing
A face based key generation scheme for authentication
wu li fang ; zhou peng ; liu xing sheng
Barycentric-Thiele type blending rational interpolants over rectangular grids
shen xiao ming ; tang shuo
Machine vision detecting system for bridge cable defect
gao chao ; li xin ke ; guo yong cai ; he wei hua
Image analysis base colloid gold strip quantitative detection
jiang cheng yan ; zhu tong lin
Blind PTS receiver for PAPR reduction in OFDM systems
liu jin yun ; yang lin ; li shao qian
Improvement of arbiter-based PUF
li ruo xu
Extension of Bezier curves and surfaces of the same degree
liu zhi ; chen xiao yan ; zhang li ; shi jun
Detection and blocking methods for harmful network content in e-Learning
zhou ya dong ; zheng qing hua ; tao jing ; liu zi qi