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Sciencepaper Online
2008 Issue 10
Study on effect of flow forecasting error on traffic control performance
LI Feng;WANG Dianhai;BIE Yiming
Design, fabrication and testing of GNC for a pickaback rocket
MA Yanwu;SHENG Wei;SUN Hongwei
Model reduction using BPOD and its application to aeroelastic active control
XU Min;AN Xiaomin;ZENG Xianang;CHEN Shilu
Rough set based study of the competency for seafarers
XU Donghua
Optimization on scheduling of bulk barges as a transfer logistics platform
LI Yang;XIE Yuzhen;JIN Zhihong
Performance variation analysis of asphalt mixture under the coupling action of moisture and loading
DONG Zejiao;TAN Yiqiu;HU Bin;TIAN Gengliang
Data Mining applications to charge data of expressways
ZHENG Changjiang;SHEN Jinxing
Improving singnal integrity in long high-speed circuit based on best wavelet packet basis
NI Chunsheng;LU Tongli;ZHANG Jianwu
Optimizing route of multi-modal transportation based on genetic algorithm
XIAO Tianguo;FU Zhuo
Optimization of transportation network VMS location for emergency incidents
LU Nengchao;YAN Xinping;LIU Zhenglin