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Science & Technology Industry of China
2002 Issue 4
ru shi cheng nuo zai guo du qi ru he bian hua
fu hu
lang lai liao yao ying dui you shu
yan ping
da li tui jin zhong xiao qi ye de kuai su fa zhan
song shao hua
qi ye guan li xin xi hua de wen ti yu ju cuo
da qing li
The Capital Market Should Strengthen Several Principles
wang zhi tai
Western Region in China Becomes a Hot Land for Overseas Chinese Capital Investment
yang zhao xuan ; liu hui jun ; chen han bin
Stick to Fast Growth and Meet the Challenge of WTO Entry
xiao zhuo ji
Promote and Guide the Non- Governmental Investment
jing shu ping
Fully Develop the Non-Governmental Economy
gao shang quan
Promote Our Bioengineering Industry
li gui xian ; zhang wen fan ; zhao xi ming
Establish and Develop Our Credit System and Culture
chang cheng