Efficient Control of Leakage Risk of Aquatic Organisms in BAC Filter
NIE Xiao-bao;LONG Yuan-nan;LI Zhi-hong;DING Li-jun;HUANG Ting-lin;School of Hydraulic Engineering;Changsha University of Science and Technology;Key Laboratory of Northwest Water Resources;Environment and Ecology<Ministry of Education >;Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology;Wuhan City Environmental Protection Engineering Co.Ltd.;
Land Application Potential of Sewage Sludge in Henan Province
MA Chuang;GUO Jing;ZHANG Hong-zhong;WEI Ming-bao;HUANG Lin;GONG Feng-lian;ZHAO Ji-hong;Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Province for Environmental Pollution Control and Ecological Restoration;Zhengzhou University of Light Industry;Zhengzhou Wastewater Purification Co.Ltd.;
Stormwater Runoff Effects under Different Schemes of Stromwater Control and Utilization
WANG Jing;LIN Yu-lian;HE Qiang;YAN Wen-tao;YAN Peng;Department of Architectural Engineering;Chongqing Jianzhu College;Key Laboratory of Three Gorges Reservoir Region’s Eco-Environment <Ministry of Education >;Chongqing University;Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning;Chongqing University;Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Seamless Integration and Use of SWMM Model and GIS Components
LIU De-er;YUAN Xian-gui;LAN Xiao-ji;XIE Yan-yi;CHEN Yuan-zeng;Faculty of Architectural and Survey Engineering;Jiangxi University of Science and Technology;Zhuhai Da Hengqin Technology Development Co.Ltd.;Ganzhou Urban Planning Design Institute;
Drainage Performance Evaluation of Apartment House Drainage System with Nursing Care Pump-to-flush Toilet
Masayuki Otsuka;Takafumi Matsuo;ZHANG Zhe;ZHAO Zhen-yi;ZHANG Wen-jia;College of Architecture and Environmental Design;Kanto Gakuin University;Beijing Key Laboratory of Building Environment Optimal Design and Assessment;Institute of Architectural Environment Engineering;Kanto Gakuin University;China National Engineering Research Center for Human Settlements;College of Architecture and Civil Engineering;City University of Hong Kong;