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Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases
2007 Issue 6
One case of sparganosis mansoni in skin
pan feng ; guo jun jie ; zhao xiao gao ; wu tian hua
One case of subcutaneous sparganosis mansoni
YANG Li-jun;YANG Bin-bin;ZHOU Ben-jiang
Preliminary Investigation on Paragonimus in Lvchun County of Yunnan Province
YANG Bin-bin;ZHOU Ben-jiang;LI Ru-qing;BAI Zhong-wen;WU Ou-bao;GAO Xiu-fang
Screening of Mimic Epitopes of Toxoplasma gondii Antigen by Phage-displayed Peptide Library
HE Yan-yan;ZHANG Shu-Yi;ZHU Min;QIAN Min;TAN Hong-yan
Morphology and Habits of An. anthropophagus and its Role in Malaria Transmission in Hengqin Island of Zhuhai City
ZHENG Xiang;TANG Lin-hua;GU Zheng-cheng;ZHU Tai-hua;SHI Wen-qi;JIANG Wei-kang;ZHOU Shui-sen;PAN Bo;LIN Rong-xing
Identification and Purification of Tyrophagus putrescentiae Allergens
HUANG Zhi-jian;LIU Zhi-gang
Primary Culture of the Cells from Oncomelania hupensis Liver
YE Qing;ZHU Jun-yong;ZHONG Qin-ping;JIANG Ming-sen;DONG Hui-fen
Genetic Variation of Two Mitochondrial DNA Molecules from Three Isolates of Oncomelania hupensis
HU Ying;LI Xue-ming;LIN Rui;NIU An-ou;HU Wen-qing
Experimental Infection of Sarcocystis suihominis in Pig and Human Volunteer in Guangxi
LI Jin-hui;LIN Zhen;DU Jin-fa;QIN Ye-xin
Pathological Change in Hydatid Cysts of Echinococcus granulosus Treated with High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
WANG Jun-an;ZOU Xiao-yi;YE Bin;ZHANG Cheng-wu;ZHAO Fa-sheng
Density Fluctuation of Microfilariae and the Role of Residual Infection Source in Filariasis Transmission after its Interruption
DUAN Ji-hui;LUO Heng-qiao;ZHANG Kai-ren;ZHANG Ming;ZENG Xiang-wei;LI Zheng-xiang;PENG Xin-rong;XIANG Yuan-yin;SUN De-jian;WU Wei-ping
Multiplex PCR for Analysis of the Plasmodium falciparum Drug Resistance Molecular Markers
ZHANG Guo-qing;TANG Lin-hua;GUAN Ya-yi;ZHOU Shui-sen;ZHENG Bin;HUANG Fang;WU Song;LIU Yan
Expression and Antigenicity Analysis of NTPase Gene of Toxoplasma gondii
SHA Dan;TAN Feng;PAN Chang-wang;LIANG Shao-hui
Prokaryotic Expression of Trichinella spiralis Gene Ts21 and Identification of the Recombinant Protein
WANG Zhong-quan;LU Li;CUI Jing;WANG Lai;WANG Rui
Malaria Situation in the People's Republic of China in 2006
ZHOU Shu-isen;WANG Yi;TANG Lin-hua
Establishment and Application of Circulating Antigen Detection in Paragonimus westermani Infection
CHEN Shao-hong;LI Hao;ZHOU Xiao-nong
A Modified Dye Test for Toxoplasma gondii Infection
XU Hui;NI An-ping;CUI Qing-tao;HAO Ying
Endemic Situation of Schistosomiasis at the National Surveillance Sites of Nanjing, 2006
WEI De-hui;GAO Yuan;XIE Chao-yong
Serial Analysis of Gene Expression in Parasitological Research
LI Qiao-li;ZHANG Zhi-ming;QIAO Zhong-dong