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Financial Computer of China
2006 Issue 10
Solution of 404 article
xie chun ying
Advancing marketing management level by using BI
ye bo yu
Design of flexible insurance application system
lin zuo zuo
Personal financing, a road of finance innovation
zhong guo nong ye yin xing zhong qing shi wan zhou fen xing ke ti zu
Design of anti-money laundering system with the case-based reasoning
zhang cheng hu ; sun ying ying
Constructing public E-payment platform
long yan jun
Theory and method of global software and it's application in development of E-banking
sun dong guang ; li xiu sheng ; gao yuan
Finance high frequency data mining
ma jin long ; ma fei te
VRRP protocol theory and it's application in router
zhang shu you
Thoughts about IT risk management in banking
yu feng
Icebreaker of IT outsourcing in China banking
hao jing
Conversation of harmonious finance
li qing li
CIFTEE 2006 play the theme of innovation
wang xiao jun ; hao jing