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Financial Computer of China
2004 Issue 12
Sygate On-Demand:establishing trustworthy online banking
li dong sheng
Financial News
Technology Information
Total Contents of 2004 of FCC
DPC operation management helping service of banking
huang yan
Years of informationalization
zhang liang
Elaborate course of bankbook printing
Model of NewPayword off-line Micro- Payment
xu hui min
Multimedia assisted instruction based on network
han yu bo
Strategy of brand competition of online banking
cai zhen xin
The core value of management accounting:information changed into profit
liu shi ping ; tian feng
Looking back at the end of this year
Copy network's data easily
wei jian ming
Reconstruction of financial customer's information
li kuan
Usability and emergency model of information systems in banking
ren chang qing
Design of funds clearing system
hou ai jun
Application of video system in financial IP network
gui hong wei
New business processing system in commercial banks
yuan wen xia
Application of UPS in computerized system of ICBC
yang li chun
Management practice of finance budget networking for basic branches of the People's Bank of China
song song xian ; chen jun ; cui bang xing