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Financial Computer of China
2002 Issue 5
Issues on bank-securities cooperation
liu zhi qiang
Commercial banks, capital market and bank-securities cooperation
zhan xiang yang
Application of IT in audit management
zhang yi ping
Referring computerization experience of oversea, enhancing competitiveness of banking
ma xing guo ; zhang xiao feng ; li xue bin
Design and implementation of financial management system in banks
gao mao ting ; ni de liang
How to implement intercity link business of Call Center
chen qing yuan
Low-priced solution of network video frequency meeting
mo xiao feng
Implementation of statement system of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in Unix
sheng lu ying ; li xiu yong
Thought about constructing virtual websites for branches
liao xiao ping
Summarizing the analytical method of function of software engineering budget
yu xiao zuo ; yang yi jun
Nantian OFP(R) PreBranch+ Banking Solutions
nan tian dian zi xin xi chan ye gu fen you xian gong si jin rong fang an zhong xin