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China Integrated Circuit
2008 Issue 11
2008 nian 1 8 yue wo guo dian zi xin xi chan ye fa zhan fen xi
gong ye he xin xi hua bu yun xing jian ce xie diao ju
duo shu chu de cmos dai xi ji zhun yuan de she ji
zhou tao ; feng jun
Study on Low Noise Detector
wang xu ; liu cheng
The Research and IP Desien of SMBus Based ON Smart Battery
CHEN Tao;WAN Ya-kun
FGPA-based True Random Number Generator
zhang run jie
A hybrid topology control algorithm in WSN
MU Danian;WANG Changshan
High Performance HPOR CORDIC Algorithm
TIAN Hang-pei;GAO De-yuan;ZHANG Sheng-bing;ZENG Yu-young;SHE Jian-gong;ZENG Chong
SRAM Fault Model Test Methods and Applications
Danniel Feng;Wei-Ting Kary Chien;Grant Liu
dsp zai hong wai diao jiao xi tong zhong de ying yong
zhou ji feng
Application Of PLC In Control System Design Of Liquid CT Detector
XIE Yunqing;LI Donglin
Multi Level Flash Memory technology and it's future development
wang dian chao ; pan liang
2008 shang ban nian zhong guo ji cheng dian lu shi chang hui gu
yang bin ; li zuo
zhong guo led xing ye qu zhe zhong qian xing
wang ying