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China Integrated Circuit
2006 Issue 12
xi an yang qi gui cai liao chan ye de feng fan
jin hong
zhong guo xi bu zui ju zuo li de ke ji gong ye yuan qu cheng du gao xin ji shu chan ye kai fa qu
cheng du gao xin ji shu chan ye kai fa qu
gsmr she pin tong xin jie shou ji de she ji
zhang xing ; zhou ke sheng
The Design of Infrared Sensor Based on tir1000
shao bao sheng ; zheng jian li
Support WAPI Protocol's 802.11a/b/g WLAN Chip
Teng Weiliang;Hua Shenghua
mo ni dian lu ban tu she ji zhong de pi pei yi shu
jin shan zi
The Implementation of Place and Route in a H.264 Decoder Chip
LI Dong;YANG fan;LI Zhneg-wei
ji suan ji usb jie kou ji shu yan jiu
wang hao
Design of Decoder for P-TCM in DVB-DSNG System
The comparison of several current references and a design of high precision CMOS current reference
Guo Jianning;Feng Yongjian;Chen Wenxiang
ldmos qi jian zai esd bao hu zhong de ying yong
xiao yan ; he jiang ping ; zhang bo
yi zhong ti gao xiao lv he jian xiao dian ya wen bo de dian he beng
wu hao ; li fu hua ; zheng jian bin