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China Ocean Engineering
2002 Issue 2
Study on Floating Properties and Stability of Air Floated Structures
bie she an ; ji chun ning ; ren zeng jin ; li zeng zhi
Trial and Numerical Analysis of Specimen Pipelay
he yan ping ; deng de heng ; tan jia hua ; gu min tong
Extraction of Internal Tidal Currents from A Portion of Sea Current Profile
han chun ming ; pan zeng di ; fan dian
Hilbert Transform Applied to Separation of Waves
sun he quan ; wang yong xue ; peng jing ping
Effect of the Twin Jetties as A Regulating Structure at the Tao-er Estuary
lu pei dong ; xu min ; zhang jin shan ; lei zhi yi
Wave Reflection Caused by Wave Overtopping and Sloping Top of Spructure
li yan bao ; gu han bin ; zhang shao song
Investigation of Motion of Two Hinged Bodies Moored by Mooring Lines in Waves
ji heng teng ; fan ju ; huang xiang lu
Non-Simultaneous Failure of Ice in Front of Multi-Leg Structures
shi qing zeng ; huang zuo ; song an ; zuo jian feng
Wave Hindcast for the Neighbouring Seas of Korea Based on Loosely Coupled Wave-Tide-Surge Model
CHOI Byung-Ho;EUM Hyun-Min;JEON Sang-Soo
Large Eddy Simulation for Plunge Breaker and Sediment Suspension
bai yu chuan ;c.o.ng