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China Ocean Engineering
1996 Issue 2
Wave Uplift Forces on the Bottom of a Circular Cylinder
Li Yanbao;Song Reng
Shear Failure of a Clamped Dented Tubular Beam Under Lateral Impact
Wang Deyu;Zhang Shanyuan
Reliability-Based Design of Jacket Platform Under Extreme Loads
Jin Weiliang
Action of Cnoidal Waves on Vertical Walls
Qiu Dahong;Zang Jun;Jia Ying
Longshore Current on an Equilibrium Beach
Chang Hsien-Kuo;Hsu Tai-Wen
Offshore Design Waves of Dayaowan Port Area in Dalian Port
Weng Keqin
Simulation on the Strength of Model Armour Block on Rubble-Mound Breakwaters
Cheng Guoping;Wang Hong;Hu Zhinong
Strength of Lighweight Concrete Under Triaxial Compression
Song Yupu;Zhao Guofan;Peng Fang;Shen Jina
Application of Subbottom Profiler for Coastal Engineering
Zhang Jincheng;CaiAizhi;Guo Yifei;Shi Qiang