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China Journal of Highway and Transport
2011 Issue 1
Experiment on Welding Residual Stress of Integral Joint for Steel Truss Bridge
HUANG Yong-hui1;WANG Rong-hui1;2;GAN Quan1
Application of Reproducing Kernel Particle Method in Analysis for Thin Plate on Two-parameter Soil Foundation
ZENG Xiang-yong;WU Xiao-wei;PENG Chuan-hai;LIU Xiao-bo
Study of Stability of Transition Segment for Bifurcation Tunnel
YU Li-yuan1;2;LI Shu-cai1;GUO Xiao-hong3;SHI Shi-bo3
Cable-stayed Bridge Model Updating Based on Static and Dynamic Test Data of Multi-state
FANG Zhi;TANG Sheng-hua;ZHANG Guo-gang;CHEN Su-jun;DONG You
Study of Mathematical Model of Electric Vehicle Driven by Permanent Magnet DC Motor
WANG Gui-ping1;2;MA Jian2;YAN Mao-de1
Influence of Spiral Setting on Vehicle Speed on Curve
XU Jin1;2;LUO Qing1;PENG Qi-yuan3;SHAO Yi-ming2;CHEN Yong-xi3
Longitudinal Constraint System Optimization for Three-tower Suspension Bridge
LIANG Peng1;WU Xiang-nan1;LI Wan-heng2;XU Yue1
Fuzzy Clustering Evaluation Method for Driver’s Visual Search Mode
YUAN Wei;FU Rui;GUO Ying-shi;MA Yong
Influence of Ceramsite Mortar and Ceramic Concrete on Reducing Traffic Noise in Tunnel
LING Tian-qing1;2;WANG Rui-yan1;ZHANG Jian3;LIU Jun4;DONG Qiang1;2
Dynamic Route Guidance Model Based on Signal Lamp Time Assignment
GAO Shu-ping1;ZHAO Hui-bin1;ZHANG Ling1;WANG Jin-xin2
Creep Effect Analysis of Bridge Structure Based on Response Surface Methodology
ZHANG Yun-tao1;2;MENG Shao-ping1;ZHANG Su2
Influence of Ultraviolet Aging on Mechanical Behavior and Aggregated State of Asphalt
WANG Jia-ni1;2;XUE Zhong-jun3;4;TAN Yi-qiu4
Experiment on Anchorage Performance of Bond-type Anchorage for CFRP Tendon
JIANG Tian-yong1;FANG Zhi2
Soil Property Testing of Nanning Expansive Soil as Embankment Filler
YANG He-ping1;ZHAN Wen-tao1;2;XIAO Jie1;NI Xiao1
Research on Coupling Vibration of Wind-vehicle-bridge System with Considering Driver Behavior
HAN Wan-shui1;MA Lin2;LIU Jian-xin1
Design of Vehicular Integrated Electronic Vacuum Booster Systems
WANG Jian-qiang1;ZHANG De-zhao1;LI Ke-qiang1;XU Ji-fu2;ZHANG Li-guo2
Study of Setting Conditions of Bus Bay Stop
YANG Xiao-guang1;XU Hui2;WANG Jian2;LONG Ke-jun3