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Earthquake Research in China
2003 Issue 3
A Probabilistic Estimation of Strong Earthquakes' Occurrence in Aeghion Area, Central Greece
Theodoros M.Tsapanos;Odysseus Ch.Galanis
Dynamic Method of Seismic Casualty Assessment
Zhao Zhendong;Zheng Xiangyuan;Zhong Jiangrong;Yu Shizhou
Initial Experimental Result of Accurately Controlled Routinely Operated Signal System (ACROSS)
Liao Chengwang;Zhuang Cantao;Liang Hongsen
Research on Earthquakes in Cities of China
Shi Zhenliang;Cao Xuefeng;Yan Xiujie
Study of Finite Element Modeling of Strong Earthquake Activities and Its Preliminary Application--Taking Southwest China as an Example
Chen Huaran;Jiang Chun;Li Yiqun;He Qiaoyun;Liu Jie;Li Li;Ma Hongsheng
Study of Triggering Action Between the Mani (Ms7.9) and the West Kunlun Mountains Pass ( Ms8.1 ) Great Earthquakes and Their Dynamic Background
Chen Bing;Jiang Zaisen;Che Shi;WANG Qingliang;Zhu Guizhi;Wang Jiying
Experimental Research on the Load/Unload Response Ratio (LURR) Theory
Yu Huaizhong;Yin Xiangchu;Liang Naigang;Xia Mengfen;Li Min;Xu Zhaoyong;Peng Keyin;Victor Kukshenko;Wu Zhishen;Qi Li;Surguei Elizarov
Centroid Depth Versus Hypocentral Depth: Their Distribution and Depth/Mechanism Dependence
Wu Zhongliang;Huang Jing;Zhou Gongwei
Holocene Paleoseismic Activity Along the Northern Piedmont Fault of the Hengshan Mountain, South of Datong Basin in Shanxi Province
Jiang Wali;Xie Xinsheng;Wang Huanzhen;Feng Xiying;Zhang Kangfu