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Chinese Journal of Grassland
1998 Issue 2
zhong guo cao di gao yue
ye sheng mu cao ji chu sheng wu xue yan jiu
ning bu ; du yi min
nei meng gu xi meng cao di zi yuan ke chi xu fa zhan qian jian
guo yuan chao ; wang cheng de
Grassland Resources Faced With Ecological Crisis and the Countermeasures in Northern China
Bao Wenzhong;SHAN Wei;Yang Xiaodong;Sun Hong;Lan Yunfeng
Studied on the Morphological and Biological Characteristics of Pathogen of the Rhynchosporium secalis (Oud.) Davis
Liu Zhengshu;Tang Chengbin;Shang Yishun;SHU Jianhong
A Study on Production Pattern of Salinized Grassland in the Hexi Corridor
Zhu Xingyun;Yan Shunguo;Shen Yuying;ZHAO Yin
The SD Model for Comprehensive Development of Grassland Farming System in Sandy Hill Land Areas
Zhang Yongliang;FAN Fu;Zhang Shuyan;Yang Hengshan
Studies on Primary Productivity for Swards of Perennial Ryegrass/White Clover Under Different Grazing Treatments
Yao Aixing;Wang Pei;Fan Fencheng;Hu Tianming
Forage Yield Evaluation of Leymus chinensis and Pascopyrum smithii
gu an lin ; yun jin feng ;larry holzworth; rong yu ping ; jia feng sheng ; weng sen hong
Research on Mechanized Alfalfa Production in Heilongjiang Reclamation Area
Zhou Xingmin;Cai Dunjiang;ZHU Lian;Feng Yuanlin;Yang Danxia;WANG JiHong
Relationship Between Dry Yield of Twelve Alfalfas and Soil Nutrient Contents
Luo Tianqiong;Liu Zhengshu;Mo Bentian;Tang Chengbin
A Study on Radiation- sensitivity and Optimum Dosage for Staple Forages in North China
Ma Jianzhong;Yu Hongbin;Yi Huying
The Experimental Repert on Forages Introduction Trials
Chen Min;Nie Sumei;Ma Zhiguang
Study on Adaptability of Kentucky Bluegrass in Sub - tropical Area
Lu Shihai;Zhang Wei
Study on the Isozymes of Ladino Trifolium repens Linnaeus and Other Six T. repens L.
Shuai Surong;Zhang Xinquan;MAO Kai;Pu Chaolong