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Virologica Sinica
2010 Issue 5
analysis of synonymous codon usage bias in 09h1n1
Zhen-peng LI;De-quan YING;Peng LI;Fei LI;Xiao-chen BO;Sheng-qi WANG
mechanisms of hiv envelope-induced t lymphocyte apoptosis
Zhi-TaoWAN;Xu-lin CHEN
indinavir resistance evolution in one human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infected patient revealed by single-genome amplification
Qing-mao GENG;Han-ping LI;Zuo-yi BAO;Yong-jian LIU;Dao-min ZHUANG;Lin LI;Si-yang LIU;Jing-yun LI
establishment of the eukaryotic cell lines for inducible control of sars-cov nucleocapsid gene expression
Guo-hui CHANG;Andrew Dividson;Lei LIN;Matt Wilson;Stuart G Siddell;Qing-yu ZHU
effects of 1,2,4,6-tetra-o-galloyl- -d-glucose from p. emblica on hbsag and hbeag secretion in hepg2.2.15 cell culture
Yang-fei XIANG;Huai-qiang JU;Shen LI;Ying-jun ZHANG;Chong-ren YANG;Yi-fei WANG
in vitro anti-influenza virus activities of sulfated polysaccharide fractions from gracilaria lemaneiformis
Mei-zhen CHEN;Hao-gui XIE;La-wei YANG;Zao-hui LIAO;Jie YU
cxcl16 interact with sars-cov n protein in and out cell
Yuan-peng ZHANG;Rong-wu ZHANG;Wei-shan CHANG;Yan-yanWANG