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China Safety Science Journal
2016 Issue 5
Study on construction of materials safety management science
FANG Shengming;WU Chao;School of Resources and Safety Engineering;Central South University;
Dynamic test based analysis of physiological characteristics of driver driving on plateau highway
Eli Ismutulla;LI Yanyan;Ilzat Eli;School of Machinery and Traffic;Xinjiang Agricultural University;Xinjiang Transportation Research Institute;
Research on factors affecting sense of safety in construction operations
WANG Chunxue;LYU Shuran;School of Safety & Environmental Engineering;Capital University of Economics & Business;
Application of D-S evidence theory in fire detection
WANG Hui;SONG Yuning;College of Mechanical Engineering;Liaoning Technical University;
Analysis of oil pipeline leak fire and explosion accident evolution and emergency evacuation
WANG Qiquan;Department of Safety Engineering;China Institute of Industrial Relations;
Time series analysis of maximum pressure of coal dust explosion as a function of ignition delay time
LI Yucheng;LIU Tianqi;ZHOU Xihua;College of Safety Science and Engineering;Liaoning Technical University;Key Laboratory of Mine Thermo-motive Disaster and Prevention;Ministry of Education;
Effect of methane content on explosion properties of plastic dust-air mixtures
LYU Yue;WANG Xinqun;XU Haishun;SU Deng;School of Quality & Safety;China Jiliang University;
Reliability evaluation of traction drive system for CRH3 electrical multiple units
CAO Qian;ZHAO Feng;WANG Kaiming;School of Automation and Electrical Engineering;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;
Research on ontology modeling and intelligent level ranking of airport safety hotspots
WANG Jiening;ZHAO Xiaopeng;Tianjin Key Laboratory of Operation Programming and Safety Technology of Air Traffic Management;Civil Aviation University of China;
Model for predicting human reliability in cognitive VDT continuous monitoring operation
LIAO Bin;FENG Haiqin;TENG Huimin;LUO Junhao;School of Business;Sichuan Normal University;Automotive Engineering Department;Sichuan TOP IT Vocational Institute;
A stepwise simulation method for reconstructing multiple vehicle collision accident based on Pc-Crash
ZOU Tiefang;YIN Ruoyu;YI Liang;CAI Ming;School of Automobile and Mechanical Engineering;Changsha University of Science and Technology;Key Laboratory of Safety Design and Reliability Technology for Engineering Vehicle;Hunan Province;Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Intelligent Transportation System;School of Engineering;Sun Yat-sen University;
Research on factors affecting vulnerability of subway system
SONG Liangliang;LI Qiming;LU Ying;DENG Yongliang;School of Civil Engineering;Southeast University;
Optimization of petrochemical equipment MTTF estimation based on Monte Carlo and its application
XU Zijun;WANG Haiqing;CHEN Taojie;LIU Xiangmei;College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering;China University of Petroleum;
Influence of multi-frequency and multi-scale visual information on speed perception of driver driving through tunnel
MENG Shuang;DU Zhigang;ZHENG Zhanji;LI Pingfan;School of Transportation;Wuhan University of Technology;Traffic Management Engineering Research Center;Traffic Management Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security;
Analysis and control technology of danger of rock burst when fully mechanized caving passing through fault
CHEN Xuehua;LYU Pengfei;SONG Weihua;DENG Chunsheng;College of Mining;Liaoning Technical University;Shenyang Research Institute Co.Ltd.of China Coal Technology and Engineering Group;
Strategy analysis method for improving flight safety
JIANG Weian;Flight Technology College;Civil Aviation Flight University of China;
Research on prediction of gas emission quantity with sub sources basing on PSOBP-Ada Boost
WEN Tingxin;SUN Xue;KONG Xiangbo;TIAN Hongbin;System Engineering Institute;Liaoning Technical University;School of Business Administration;Liaoning Technical University;
Greyclustering-IAHP evaluation of danger of coal mine gas explosion
LIU Ruijia;College of Mechanical Engineering;Liaoning Technical University;
Experimental research on multi-parameter rules of rock under cyclic loading
ZHAO Yangfeng;ZHANG Chao;LIU Liqiang;PAN Yishan;ZHU Xiaojing;School of Mechanics and Engineering;Liaoning Technical University;State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics;Institute of Geology;China Earthquake Administration;
A new method for analyzing coupling hazards in process
WU Yang;JIAO Jian;ZHAO Tingdi;School of Reliability and Systems Engineering;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;
Multiple-puff superposition calculation model for release and dispersion of sour gas form pipeline
HE Mo;TANG Yu;LI Yi;LIAO Kexi;Institute of Safety;Environment Protection and Technical Supervision;Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company;Middle Sichuan Oil & Gas Field;Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company;School of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering;Southwest Petroleum University;
Applied research on hazard assessment of lead fume based on XRF spectrometry
LIU Juntong;LIU Yan;CHEN Ya;ZHAO Yan;WANG Tong;Beijing Municipal Institute of Labour Protection;
A group decision based method for aggregating results of analysis of human factors in mining accidents
QIAO Nan;CHEN Zhaobo;ZENG Jianchao;LI Hengying;LI Zhongwei;College of Economy and Management;Taiyuan University of Science and Technology;Institute of Industry and Systems Engineering;Taiyuan University of Science and Technology;
Operation acts and control management research on underground local ventilator with method of PDCA
WANG Xiuming;FU Gui;School of Resource and Safety Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;
Application of ABC behavior analysis in coal mine intentional unsafe behavior management
YANG Jiali;LI Jizu;FENG Guorui;KANG Lixun;College of Economics & Management of Taiyuan University of Technology;College of Mining Engineering of Taiyuan University of Technology;
PSO-BP modeling research on fee rate measurement of construction project safe construction cost
CHEN Wei;ZHOU Man;YE Jiajun;ZHANG Jiru;FU Hongyang;School of Civil Engineering and Architecture;Wuhan University of Technology;Wuhan Construction Standard Management Station;
SPA of safety state evolution of hydropower station production environment
CHEN Shu;SHI Faqi;ZHU Zhongrong;WU Kai;College of Hydraulic & Environmental Engineering;China Three Gorges University;Hubei Key Laboratory of Construction and Management in Hydropower Engineering;
Research on flood disaster data visualization warning system
YANG Dan;SONG Yinghua;HONG Zhikun;LYU Wei;WANG Zhe;FANG Danhui;China Research Center for Emergency Management;Wuhan University of Technology;Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Early Warning and Emergency Response Technology;Management School;Wuhan University of Technology;
Experimental study on effectiveness of composite dry powder in emergence disposal of leaked methanol
WANG Shouzhong;DONG Chunhong;NI Xiaomin;WANG Xishi;WANG Zhigang;COHG Haiyong;Center for Engineering Design and Research under the Headquarters of General Equipment;State Key Laboratory of Fire Science;University of Science and Technology of China;
Research on optimizing intelligent evacuation direction signage design and controlling flow of evacuees
ZHAO Wei;School of Information;Capital University of Economics and Business;